The venues are ready and now it’s time to check out the food.
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Yes, that was the job of more than a one hundred guests who turned up at the Small Island Developing States (S.I.D.S) Tuana’imato headquarters food hall on Friday afternoon.
Cabinet Ministers, Members of Parliament, heads of government departments, senior public officials and United Nations staff in Samoa were invited to a food tasting exhibition.
During the occasion, the twelve food stalls that have been given the approval to sell food there showcased what they would offer to the more than 3,000 visitors expected for S.I.D.S.
And there were a lot of choices on offer. The menu ranged from from routine dishes like curry, fish and chips, chicken to fresh green salads and the more complicated dishes.
There were also plenty of traditional Samoan food.
A woman who has worked extremely hard behind setting up Food Hall was the Chairperson and Associate Minister of Women, Community and Social Development, Gatoloa’ifaana Amataga Gidlow.
“Today is a chance for all those eligible to prepare the food for S.I.D.S to showcase what will be expected from them during the conference,” she told the Sunday Samoan.
“It’s also a chance for the public to come and taste and see what their opinions are on the food that we will be providing.”
A few days away from the meeting, it was also chance for the people to see if there is anything wrong with the service provided as well as the food if it is good enough.
For the food stalls, Gatoloaifa’ana said Friday was an opportunity to test their capacity to cater for large crowds.
“This is a good chance for them to get some idea of what it is going to be like,” she said.
According to Gatoloaifa’ana, of the twelve food providers, eight will supply heavy meals while the others will cater for light lunches.
“We also have Samoan food and seafood,” she said “So there is a variety of food on the menu.”
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