A major UN conference in Samoa will spend very little time on a key report, summing up what the members agree is important.
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That report – known as an outcomes document - has already been agreed to by the members, even before the Third International Conference on Small Island Developing States opens next week.
“Normally … the delegates will burn midnight oil on the possible consensus on the final document. But this is a different case altogether, unprecedented,” says Wu Hongbo, Secretary-General of the S.I.D.S conference.
“So this time we will concentrate on the partnerships that will really bring results on the ground.”
“I expect there are some very good partnerships and projects to be announced after this conference.”
A wide range of organisations, ranging from small community groups to large international bodies, and the funding bodies with the money to support various proposals, are joining S.I.D.S.
Here are some of them arriving at the venue yesterday.
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