The foundation of Loto Taumafai School’s National Disability Centre at Vaitele-fou is slowly taking shape after the groundbreaking ceremony in May.
Estimated to cost $12 million, the Centre is being funded by China.
The agreement between China and Samoa that provides funding for this centre is expected to benefit the people of Samoa with special needs.
The building is a new disability centre with eleven classrooms and other necessary facilities.
The centre will house classes for Year one to year eleven and is expected to have an intake of 150 students.
It will also have an early intervention programme that reaches out to approximately 300 children or more.
The two acre complex will include a vocational workshop, a special pool to treat the children, computer rooms, gymnasium, dining hall, and a two storey office block.
President Leta’a Dan Devoe declined to comment on the development of the establishment. He said to give him time to put something together for next week.
But there are high hopes that when the construction is completed, the new Centre will benefit everybody with disabilities in Samoa and nurture more and more students as quality human resources, to serve society and make their own valuable contribution to Samoa.
Loto Taumafai National Disability Centre is well known for its education programme and the services for people with disability in Samoa. It was established in 1981.
The new National Disability Centre is being built at Vaitele Fou, is next to the Faatuatua School.
“Manu’s just the same. He stays with some old friends and they go outside playing touch rugby together. We were playing touch rugby together in our village at home”