Think a minute…
Imagine you are in a store and you see a big new television for only $1. You look at a t-shirt and the price on it is $1,000. Next to it is a brand new motorbike that costs only $3. Wouldn’t you wonder if someone had sneaked into the store and changed all the price tags? What you thought was very valuable is now not very valuable at all.
Have you ever gone through a painful loss or frightening crisis that turned everything in your life upside down? Maybe the doctor told you that you have a serious, life-threatening illness. Someone you love died in an accident. Suddenly almost everything in your life was reshuffled and changed. Those things that seemed important and took much of your time before now meant nothing to you. And the things that you took for granted and hardly even noticed now became the most important things to you. It was like someone came and switched all the price tags in your life.
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Sadly, these painful losses and problems in life are sometimes the only things that wake us up to see what’s truly important in life. Unfortunately for many of us, it’s only when the problem and storm hits that we begin to understand there are only 2 things that really matter: our Maker and people. Life is short. Often shorter than we expect! And hopefully before it’s over we learn how valuable every day is. Each day is just one more gift from God. So we need to start spending what little time we have left on getting close to Him and the people He’s given to us to share our lives with. That is the only way we can have no fears or regrets when we die. Some of us are scared and don’t want to think of dying because we’re not sure if we’re ready to face our Maker and Judge.
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