Hundreds of public servants were granted a half day from work on Friday to commemorate the end of the Healthy Lifestyle Week.
Initiated by the Ministry of Health, the commemoration was based on the theme “Small healthy choice creates great impact.”
With those words, the public servants started from those small healthy walks on the seawall, to dancing it away with Zumba, to volleyball teams to climbing the mountains were some of the activities from the different Ministries. While some chose to go home for the half day, many chose to put on their runners and tights and join in the fun.
Take for example the Office of the Electoral Commission where majority of the staff came prepared from home for the long walk on the Palisi Mountain.
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It was the first walk for others on a hill but with the support from other colleagues the exercise was well worth it.
The Ministry of Health decided something more sassy and musical.
At the Tupulaga Talavou Hall at Sogi the staffs were dancing away in their tights and ie lavalava. Led by Fana & Lee zumba group and instructor Fong
Chan Sau it was great fun for the elderly women who were also enjoying the hula movement.
On the fields of Sogi park reserve, the Ministry of Works, Transport and Infrastructure were teaming up for a volleyball game.
Although it wasn’t easy to spike on the high net, the men and women managed to pull it down with smiles.
Cruising on the seawall is the team from Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Labour.
The heat made it difficult to walk the distance but determination made it all possible to reach their destination. The commemoration of the Healthy
Lifestyle Week was designed to raise public awareness about the dangers of non-communicable diseases and the importance of healthy living.
In his opening address on Monday, Minister of Health Tuitama Dr. Talalelei Tuitama reminded that prevention is better than cure.
“Non communicable disease are affecting the lives of many of our people…the objective is through the engagement of the community and society to encourage and advocate the importance of adopting healthy lifestyle behaviour and making healthy choice.”
The Ministry had other programmes to raise public awareness on healthy choices through school competition in drawings.
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