Think a minute…
A famous man and woman who were neighbors were always arguing. They just could not get along with each other. One day the woman said to the man: “Sir, if you were my husband, I’d give you poison!” The man quickly answered: “Madam, if you were my wife, I’d take it!” You know, the greatest problems in the world always have been and always will be problems between people. Just look at our own family and extended family. Is everyone getting along all the time? How about in your village or neighborhood, your school, or your workplace?
Did you know that the beautiful ‘paradise’ islands of the Pacific have some of the highest suicide rates in the world? But why? Because there is no peace in paradise! Instead, there are walls of hurt and hate built up between people: between parents and children, between husbands and wives, between different races and cultures. All over the world there is trouble and problems between people! Many people are hurting, hoping someday to finally have real peace.
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But even if everyone was given lots of money and a high-paying job, the best education, and a great government, we’d still have problems because of the walls between people—walls of pride and prejudice, walls of hurt, mistrust, jealousy, and unforgiveness. And it’s into this kind of world with this big problem that God the Son came to bring peace, and tear down these walls between people. But before we can have real peace and truly love without conditions our children, our wife or husband, our neighbors, as well as people of other races and cultures, we ourselves must first be loved that way by someone else and experience that kind of love.
That’s exactly what Jesus Christ came to do: to love us. He came to accept and forgive us for all our wrongs, so we could finally be reunited in true peace with our Maker. You see, it’s only then that we can also live in peace with the other people in our life. So today, won’t you ask Jesus to forgive you for all your wrongs and to take charge of your heart everyday? Then He can start changing your life and relationships so you’ll finally have real peace with the people in your life. Just Think a Minute…
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