For the first time since it was established 30 years ago, the National University of Samoa (N.U.S) will undergo an academic audit come February next year.
Not the usual audit processes in finance but to check on the quality of services offered at NUS.
The audit will be conducted by a three panel member of an independent Academic Quality Agency for New Zealand Universities or AQA.
Prior to that audit next year, a preliminary visit to familiarise with the university management brought two experts from AQA to NUS this week.
It was an opportunity well received by the university to ensure that it achieves its mission statement to be internationally recognised.
“We can only say at this stage that we bring into this audit a strong international experience to ensure that NUS meets best international standards along with other universities in New Zealand,” said Professor Roger Field, Chair of AQA and former Vice Chancellor of Lincoln University in Christchurch.
“The audit process is derived from the fifth cycle of academic audit of NZ universities being implemented in 2013- 2016,” added Prof Field.
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Professor Field and Jan Cameron both have strong international experiences that would assist in the audit next year.
Addition to this team would be another independent international auditor, who will carry out audits of the processes in universities which underpin academic quality.
Furthermore into this audit, would be ways to improve and share international standards of good practice internationally.
“The university has developed over the years and we need to see from this audit where we can improve,” said NUS Vice Chancellor and President, Professor Fui Le’apai Tu’ua ‘Ilaoa Asofou So’o. “Where the university is heading, it requires international best practices as in overseas universities.”
For the university to be able to produce quality graduates, it must have processes that do reflect that mission.
In this case, the university is well prepared. This visit is an answer to the Vice Chancellor’s request for an independent audit with international experience.
“We need to find out whether we are progressing or slipping in terms of our processes. Other than processes we need to ensure that our admission policies reflect international standards as well as graduates’ attributes,” added Prof. Fui.
A self-review report has been submitted to AQA awaiting the actual audit next year.
About AQA:
The Academic Quality Agency for New Zealand Universities (AQA), previously known as the New Zealand Universities Academic Audit Unit, was established in 1993 by the New Zealand Vice-Chancellors’ Committee to carry out audits of the processes in universities which underpin academic quality.
AQA’s governing Board is appointed by the New Zealand Vice-Chancellors’ Committee.
AQA is operationally independent of Universities New Zealand - Te Pokai Tara.
The mission and terms of reference of AQA encompass both academic quality assurance and academic quality enhancement, including the dissemination of good practice.
Academic audits are carried out by panels of 4-6 auditors. Auditors appointed to audit New Zealand universities are individuals who have been identified by AQA as meeting specific criteria pertaining to academic audit of a university. Auditors are most commonly senior academics or professionals experienced in quality assurance who have been trained as academic auditors either by AQA or by another quality assurance body. All New Zealand audit panels include at least one overseas auditor.
AQA is one of two bodies established to oversee the quality assurance of New Zealand universities. The Committee on University Academic Programmes (CUAP) is charged with setting up and applying qualification and regulation approval, accreditation and programme moderation procedures across universities. To learn more about the work of CUAP and of AQA, have a look at this brochure, Academic Quality Assurance of New Zealand Universities, or read our Frequently Asked Questions (and answers).
AQA is a full member of the International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education, INQAAHE, and adheres to its Guidelines of Good Practice in Quality Assurance. AQA is also a full member of the Asia-Pacific Quality Network. AQA has strong relationships with a number of peer international agencies. AQA has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Taiwan Assessment and Evaluation Association (2013), a Memorandum of Agreement with The University of the South Pacific (re-signed 2013), and a Memorandum of Agreement with the National University of Samoa (2014).
AQA is, itself, subject to regular external review and was reviewed in 1997, 2001 and 2009. AQA will next be reviewed in the first half of 2015.
In 2013, AQA was awarded the Asia- Pacific Quality Network (APQN) inaugural Quality Award for Stakeholder Engagement.
APQN Quality Awards are determined by an international panel with a focus on identifying and distinguishing extraordinary quality assurance contribution and good practices that have the potential of replication across the APQN network.
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