Think a minute…
A famous painting shows a king making a chain from his crown, and a slave making a crown from his chain. Underneath the painting are these words:
“Life is what one makes it, no matter of what it is made.” We each were born with certain abilities, but it is up to us whether we fully use them or not.
Are you making the most of what you’re made of?
Do you give it all you’ve got?
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A young man I know named Bob was born with ordinary abilities, but he is living an extraordinary life because of his self-discipline, courage, and faith. When he was only 15-years-old Bob battled cancer for several years.
He and his family had to move to another city where the hospital and doctors specialized in children’s cancers. But Bob never gave up! Eventually he won his fight against this deadly disease.
In school Bob always had to work harder in his studies than other students, yet he went on to attend one of America’s top universities.
After graduating from university, he had to study harder than ever to qualify for medical school. But again, Bob did his part and gave it all he had.
Today he is a medical doctor who plans to help the sick in poor Third World countries.
How about you? Do you respond to your challenges like Bob? In your life do you give it all you’ve got? Remember, it’s not how well you start, but how well you finish that counts. When you die, the question is not “How big was your house?”, but “How big was your heart?”.
How well did you play your God-given part?
Remember, “God will do for you what you cannot do for yourself, but He will not do for you what you can do.”
You must choose to play your part and give all you’ve got to your character, your marriage, your children, your job and career, your studies, etc. But it all begins with giving all you’ve got back to your Maker, so He can help you make the most of everything He gave you.
From this day forward, won’t you ask Jesus to take full charge of your heart and way of living? His way is the only way you can make your life all He intended it to be.
Just think a minute…
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