The ‘Ark of Salvation’ was the theme selected by the Congregational Christian Church of Samoa (C.C.C.S.) at Vaitele-Uta, on Sunday.
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“We came up with the theme for this year after attending the anniversary of the Shipping Corporation last month,” said Rev. Muao Su’a, Mathew (blue), Mark (red), Luke (green) and John (yellow) were names given to each group involving hundreds of youth members who performed varieties of spiritual dances, skits and songs.
“This journey is like travelling on a ship. There are times of storms, rainy and fine days but assurance of our safety is impossible unless we cast it all to the Lord to lead and guide us through such challenges,” he said.
“Nothing is impossible in Christ for He is the ‘Ark of Salvation’.” he said.
Rev. Su’a said that reaching out to the church’s youth through services at the beginning of 2015 allows youth members to grow spiritually through the year.
“This is a great start for the youth not only in Samoa, but in overseas countries.”
“It’s more like reminding to them (youth) that when they walk with the Lord, everything will be all right.”
“They need to put God first while they’re in school, work, church and whatever decisions that they make, remember Him for He is the only One that can calm the storm.”
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