The Secretary General of the Congregational Christian Church of Samoa, Reverend Dr. Iutisone Salevao, is adamant that the church has done nothing wrong.
In fact, during an interview with the Samoa Observer yesterday, he reminded that leadership comes with duties and responsibilities.
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“And if they cannot be met, then one must accept a decision made against you and walk away,” he said.
Dr. Salevao was responding to allegations from an unhappy Revered Kerita Reupena, who has accused the leadership of the church of lacking in accountability and transparency.
Based in Ipswich, Queensland Australia, Rev. Reupena raised the questions after the church’s Committee of Elders decided to remove the position of Elder as well as the Director for the Queensland District from him.
What's more, Rev. Reupena has hired a lawyer, Leuluaiali’i Olinda Woodroffe, to fight his case.
Asked for a comment yesterday, Dr. Salevao said: “It’s really a nonissue and the decision is up to the Committee of Elders.”
Dr. Salevao also warned Rev.
Reupena that by taking the matter to Court, he was opening himself up to public scrutiny.
The General Secretary said that the C.C.C.S in Queensland had lost many church members over the years.
He said Rev. Reupena was supposed to address the reasons why. He was expected to restore the unity of the district but he failed to do so.
Although Dr. Salevao did not have the number of people who had left the church, he said there were moral issues as well. “People were getting uncertain.
If uncertain, what do you do? People need to be sure of what they’re committing to. I don’t blame the people for that. Leaders have a big part to play.”
Dr. Salevao said the complainant wanted a full reinstatement of his previous position in the Queensland church, but the decision was with the Committee of elders.
“You don’t take people to Court when you’re dissatisfied about something,” said Dr. Iutisone.
“If you can’t be a Christian, then you might as well give it up and become an atheist or something.
That’s just not on. It makes a mockery of the whole [process].”
Asked how the church felt about Rev, Reupena’s reactions in the media, “we feel insulted … sad.” However, Dr. Salevao said that it was Rev. Reupena’s right to take action and that the church had nothing to hide.
“We always reserve the right to reply. We can’t just sit here and shut our mouths. We are compelled to respond. It’s a waste of time in Court. But if given the circumstances, then we will respond in court.” Dr. Salevao also advised that one could use such decisions as a chance to take a break. “When given an opportunity as such, one could … find work elsewhere, be a taxi driver or even fly to the moon. Do something!
“If you have done wrong, then you should feel sad …and get over it. If you have the humility to accept something, respond with a somber sense of proportion.”
For Dr. Salevao, the problem is that it adds to his workload and right now, he has more than enough. “Much Ado About Nothing,” he said, quoting William Shakespeare’s comedic play.
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