The Shadow Minister of Finance for the Tautua Samoa Party, Afualo Dr. Wood Salele (pictured), remains confident in his Party’s ability to mount a strong challenge in next year’s General Elections.
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In fact, Afualo believes his Party is in a better position now to challenge the ruling Human Rights Protection Party (H.R.P.P) for the right to govern the country when voters go to the polls on 4 March 2015.
Should they win, it will end more than 35 years of rule by Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sa’ilele Malielegaoi's group.
For Afualo though, his first priority is to regain one of two seats available at his constituency of Salega.
The other seat is held by Tapuai Toese Ah Sam, who is also a member of the Tautua Samoa Party.
“It’s been very humbling to have been allowed by my constituency to serve them during the past five years,” he said.
“I am also honoured to say that they have expressed their support for me to contest the seat for next year.”
Afualo does not plan to change his allegiance in terms of political parties.
Confirming that he is all for the Tautua Samoa Party, Afualo said the Opposition’s election strategy will be based around education, the creation of employment opportunities as well as improving health.
He also wants to ensure that everyone is treated fairly by the policies created by the lawmakers.
Looking at the government today, Afualo said there is a lot of unnecessary spending that could be better utilised.
He also said the government, especially state-owned enterprises should be run like businesses so that they become self-sufficient. That way, they do not reply of taxpayers to prop them up. Afualo said these are some of the area the Tautua Party is looking to target during the election run.
As for his preparations, he said “I am well prepared for the upcoming election.
“I am also preparing myself when our Party will come into power to lead this country.” Afualo said he was unaware about the other candidates in his constituency.
The Territorial Constituency covers the villages of Fagafau, Fiaai, Fogatuli, Samata-i-tai and Samata-i-uta. An economist by profession, Afualo also stressed the need to look after the elderly members of the community, people he said are not being well cared for by the current administration.
The M.P. also used the opportunity to thank his supporters, families and children for always being there for him. Afualo, 57, hails from the villages of Fogatuli Salega, Matautu and Moata’a.
He holds a PHD in Economics from the University of Guelph Canada.
He received his Masters in Economics from the University of New England in New South Wales, Australia and also holds a Bachelor of Agriculture Science from the University of the South Pacific.
Afualo is married to Rosemarie Keil Salele and they have four children.
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