The Land and Titles Court has reached a decision on a longstanding dispute in the village of Apia over the Faualo chiefly title.
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And that is the next titleholder will be Sala Lupe Chan Mow.
Sala Lupe is a descendant of the Faualo Mau family.
When the decision was delivered on 9 October 2015, she declined to comment.
“I am not ready to say anything because we have much to discuss further within our family,” she said.
The ruling follows a longstanding Court battle over the Faualo title.
According to the decision presented by the Vice President of Land and Titles Court, Misa Nanai Pita, it is time for someone from the Mau family to carry the Faualo title of Tauese, Apia.
In the history of the Faualo title, three were given to the Faualo Tuvao family, and two were given to the Simona and Lupe families.
Here is the Court’s ruling in Samoan:
LC. 1533 P17 – P24 Mataupu na Suesueina:
E uiga i le tofiaina o se nofo i le Suafa Faualo o Tauese – Apia.
Itu na Talosaga: 1. Rev. Moli Moli, Taufao Fuaiavailili LC 1533 P17
2. Sala Lupeoaunu’u Chan Mow, Imeleta Filipo Tofaeono, Simanono Leaitauasa Oge, Simeamativa Leota Va’ai, Laulu Sepania Lealiio’o, Falani S. Sita, Miriama Oge. LC 1533 P18, P19 + P20 Itu na Tetee:
1. Tauiliili Harry Schuster, Fesola’i Fa’amoemoe Sivatia, Tupuola S. Sonny Schuster, Maiava Pimalolo, Nanai Tiavolo, Siale Sianava LC 1533 P21.
2. Auva’a Daffy Pitone Aluni, Tony Pitone Aluni, Imeleta P. Aluni, Peka Fuli Sinapi LC 1533 P22 3. Faaolosa Katopau Ainuu, Faleafa Joe Tamasese, Faamata Mamaia, Auimatagai Sapani, Isavale Povale, Kerina Amituanai, Senara Magalogo, Taiana Collin’s, Sofeni Leapai, Sala Fesuia’i LC 1533 P23 4. Nomani Nomani, Vala’au Faatasi Nomani, Alofipo Lusi Simeona, Seumanu Tila, Seuoti Sheryl, Ruta Su’a LC 1533 P24
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