One of Palauli’s paramount and leading oratory titles has been bestowed on 23 true heirs of Mata’afā Leo’o [Origin of the title Mata’afā] at Vailoa Palauli.
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The title is one of the “To’oto’o o Vailoa” along with the titles Autagavaia and Toluono. The traditional ceremony was held at Maota i Sautupu the traditional place of the title Salū which according with the Samoan history was the place where Samālaulu [daughter of Faumuinā] moved in and resided, in all her attempts to attract the attention of the Highest Chief of Palauli at the time “Lilomaiava-nai-le-Vailiii” to whom she really was crazy with and wanted to marry.
Last Saturday, the Maota i Sautupu was packed with relatives Samoa and abroad to witness the once in the lifetime bestowal.
The Sa’o o le Aiga o suli o Mata’afā Leo’o in the lines of Toluono Isaako Toluono and his brother Salū Sapanİ Toluono were Mata’afā Tamasailau Salū and Mata’afā Tuu’u Taupaū Lafaele Mikaele Toluono spearheaded the ceremony.
Rev. Siaosi Leleimalefaga FT of EFKS and Rev. Deacon Sio of the Catholic Church lead the prayers and scriptural reflections of the bestowal.
This was followed by the traditional “usu fa’aaloalo” by the Faleao led by the leading talking orators of Vailoa Palauli namely Mataafā, Autagāvaia and Toluono.
Palauli ma lona Itū were also present and traditionally were part of the fa’atau. A Samoan inspired exchange of words [fa’atau] from these high talking talented orators was so fascinating and interesting but Toluono Penehuro Toluono prevailed and the one delivering the lauga [fa’apaiaga o nofo].
Traditional fa’aaloaloga in response was delivered by Mata’afa Tuu’u Taupau Lafaele Toluono. I feel Samoan now and proud to be a matai, when reminded of my lineage to the original Mata’afā title, says one of the matais from New Zealand.
Among the new nofos were, Mata’afa Tuu’u Tiufea Mulipola Mikaele Toluono the oldest of all and his cousins Mata’afā Fuimaono Kamilo Afele the current Controller and Chief Auditor who was attending a meeting in Vanuatu, Mata’afā Kalameli Mata’afā Toluono Tauileave and Mata’afa Seti Lafililo Toluono.
Mata’afā Asenati Faumuinā - Afamasaga Rico and Mata’afa Siaosi Lenu’u Molio’o were amongst the nieces and nephews from Samoa and overseas to have been bestowed with the Mata’afa title.
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