Lupesoli’ai La’auli Joseph Parker is taking a leaf out of Robert Louis Stevenson’s book, to learn more about giving back to the people of Samoa.
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Parker said he wanted to learn more about Samoa’s history, while on a tour of the Robert Louis Stevenson Museum yesterday.
Parker said he enjoyed the tour.
“I’ve been to Samoa a lot of times and I’ve always wanted to hear the story of Robert Louis and his time here in Samoa. I’ve been up to his grave but I never knew all about his story and history,” he said.
“I didn’t know that cocoa beans were brought into Samoa by the Stevenson family and I didn’t know that our people were scared of pineapples back then until they came and told our people that we can actually eat pineapples.
“The link between my visit here today and my career is getting to know more about someone who has done so much for our country and someone that our people respected.
“That is something that I’m working on at the moment. I want to give back to my people for all the support they’ve given me and make our country proud.”
The famous Samoan boxer is in the country to make a major announcement.
“What we’re here to do is to officially announce my big fight here in Samoa in the beginning of next year. And I always love coming back home [to] visit my family and friends here in Samoa.
“I’ve got one more fight coming up on the 5th of December, but at the back of my head, I am just looking forward to the fight that’ll be held here in Samoa because I know that it’ll make History.
“We’ve had a lot of Samoan great boxers in previous years and none of them held a fight here in Samoa. So what we’re trying to do is to bring a big fight here in Samoa, and give back to the people for their support. “
Parker said the term “tapuaiga” was vital to his career and for fight preparations.
“The term ‘tapuaiga’ helps me in many ways.
“It pushes me to train harder knowing that I have the full support of the country and sometimes when the trainings are hard, I just think about the tapuaiga and how many people are there cheering for me.
“It helps me train harder and prepare because I know that there are a lot of people that’ll be watching me and wanting me to do a good job.
Lupesoli’ai La’auli Joseph Parker’s parents arrived in Samoa yesterday, to stay for four days.
Today, the official announcement of his fight will be made at the S.T.A. fale.
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