Former Manu Samoa player, Eliota Fuimaono-Sapolu has responded to Lefau Harry Schuster’s letter in yesterday’s Samoa Observer under the title “Lefau issues response.”
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It is published here in full:
Face to face is a waste of space.
Discuss it in the media so ALL of Samoa and Samoans around the world can learn the truth. No more hiding.
No more lies. For the betterment of Samoan rugby, get it all out there for the people to know.
My views are not sensationalist. I am the player on the field. I literally spilled my blood for Samoa. I have broken my body for Samoa. I write this because neither you Harry, nor the I.R.B/ World Rugby will ever break my heart for Samoa.
Firstly, Samoa won the World Sevens Series in May 2010, NOT 2011 like you said. The H.P.U. was opened in August 2011. Unless you have a time machine, the H.P.U. had NOTHING to do with Samoa winning the 7s. It didn’t even exist! Please try again. The H.P.U. did not develop those wonderful local Samoan players. Samoa did. Samoa has always created wonderful local talent. Alesana, Henry and the Tuilagi brothers, David Lemi, Chris Masoe, Uale Mai, Murry Faasavalu and Brian Lima. Samoa created wonderful talent well before there was an H.P.U. and Samoa will continue to create talent without the H.P.U.
In fact, before the H.P.U. opened, Samoa 7s finished 3rd place twice and won the World Sevens Series in 2010. Since the H.P.U. was opened, however, there has been little success in Sevens and Samoa is at their lowest-ever placing. You can say the same for Manu Samoa 15s. Before the H.P.U. was opened Manu Samoa had its greatest victory of all time, beating Australia in Australia. Since the H.P.U. was opened, Manu Samoa is now the lowest ranking Manu Samoa team of all time. Please do not glorify the H.P.U. as the second coming of the rugby saviour. Samoan rugby has been doing worse ever since the H.P.U. opened. Why is that?
Yes Harry, corruption. Have you seen how people fundraise for Manu Samoa now? They use the catch phrase “The money will go DIRECTLY to the players!” There is no Samoan left in the world who trusts you or the S.R.U. with their hard-earned money.
Can you imagine what prospective sponsors are thinking? No thank you.
Mahonri and John Campbell told the world about it in 2011, when the millions raised for the 2011 R.W.C. went missing. That is why Mahonri was dropped. Mahonri went on to win two Super 15 titles with the Chiefs.
Only idiocy or corruption drops a player and leader of that rare quality.
There was the 2011 audit by Lesa ma Penn Certified Public Accountants, which was highly critical of S.R.U. and outlined unprofessional practices.
8 missing receipt books, lack of completed final statements, no segregation of duties between who receives and records revenue and no system to record sponsors. They then followed up in a letter in 2012 which said “there is no indication that an effort was made to rectify these issues”.
I also have in my possession the emails between you and the I.R.B, in which the I.R.B. advised you not to pick me again.
I destroyed the world champions South Africa and you cut me because the I.R.B.
said to. Again, idiocy or corruption? Take a pick.
Harry, your comment of rugby being the same simple game has changed my opinion. Your opinion is not obsolete. It is ridiculously obsolete. It is a COMPLETELY different ball game now!
Samoa has a small budget but whose fault is that?
The All Blacks, Australia and South Africa do not receive zero dollars from games in Europe anymore! They receive millions from a sold-out game at Twickenham whereas Samoa receives bread crumbs from the same sold-out game.
And this is why you do not idiotically cut the best players. Best players means winning team and winning team means business leverage. Where are these people you say who deal with multimillion dollar contracts?
They are dealing in multi-million air molecules at the moment because Samoa receives nothing.
Even Brett Gosper, the C.E.O. of World Rugby, admitted to Daniel Leo in their recent meeting that there exists a huge discrepancy in profit share for teams like Samoa.
In 2014, The Prime Minster, Chairman of the Board, asked why is Samoa still stuck “in an amateur deal” where all the money goes to the host nation?
Samoa is stuck in the SAME amateur deal because you think it is the SAME simple rugby!
S.R.U. contract negotiators are being ripped off by better European contract negotiators.
This is the Rugby today. We cannot live on our knees anymore, with our hands out, begging World Rugby for crumbs. It is time to stand up and demand what is owed to Samoan rugby.
Samoa once again sold out all their games at the World Cup. The largest viewing audience of all time was the match between Japan and Samoa! Sold out games at Twickenham and all over Europe. It is time to fight for what is owed to Samoa!
Harry, you were at my case against the I.R.B. after the R.W.C. 2011. You sat in the room, in front of the judiciary, with me. You watched me fight for 8 hours against the I.R.B.
Over a thousand Samoans waited outside for 8 hours waving Samoan flags, singing Samoan songs. I fought for better treatment from these rubbish referees. I fought for Samoa to have the same rest other teams were enjoying.
I fought for a better share in money for Samoa.
You were there Harry. For 8 hours.
And you said NOTHING. For 8 hours.
If you continue to remain in your position then I ask you, for the sake of Samoa, stop saying nothing to the I.R.B. Please fight for Samoa.
Samoa rugby is making a loss every year but Samoa generates millions for Europe and World Rugby. Now is your time to fight.
For the supporters who wake up in the early hours of the morning to support Manu. For the players who are spilling blood for Samoa and proudly losing money doing it.
Do not sit in the room for 8 hours anymore and say nothing.
I know you love Samoa as much as I do. It is time to fight.
And no, I do not wish to be a part of an organisation which served so much injustice on me. The same people who served the injustice remain and nothing would be more insulting to me than to work under and answer to the same people.
I wish you all the best for the upcoming elections.
God Bless Samoa.
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