Seventy seven students from the Australia- Pacific Technical College (A.P.T.C) were honoured at a graduation ceremony held at the Falesamoa at the National University of Samoa yesterday.
The ceremony was attended by over 300 invited guests including families of the graduates, employers and APTC supporters in the Samoan community.
The Australian High Commissioner to Samoa, Sue Langford, delivered the keynote speech at the graduation ceremony.
“The opportunity of a good education enables every individual to make the most of their talents,” she said.
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“It is also vital to building a stronger and more prosperous Samoa. We congratulate you on your achievement, and acknowledge the support of your families and employers who have helped you reach this worthy goal.”
The 77 graduating students have successfully completed their studies in 11 A.P.T.C. courses.
They include Construction, Carpentry, Children’s Services, Disability, Commercial Cookery, Welding/Fabrication, Hospitality, Painting & Decorating, Tourism, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning,
Wall and Floor Tiling, Certificate IV in Youth Work and the Diploma of Community Services Work.
A tracer study survey undertaken in late 2013 of all A.P.T.C. graduates between 2007- 2011 indicated that over 90per cent of A.P.T.C graduates are gainfully employed.
The same survey showed that more than 95per cent of Samoan graduates stay in Samoa.
The A.P.T.C. is funded by the Australian Government through the Australian Aid program and has 5 campuses throughout the Pacific region delivering a total of 23 training programs.
All A.P.T.C. qualifications are recognised internationally, an additional advantage to Pacific region graduates who are interested in seeking employment opportunities and experience beyond their home countries.
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