The pink eye epidemic obviously doesn't care that Parliament is in session with a “mountain of work” to get through.
Yesterday, Speaker of the House, La’auli Leauatea Polata’ivao, revealed that he had told some Members of Parliament to go home and only return when they are well.
He did not say how many. But one M.P. diagnosed with the pink eye disease, who raised eyebrows by turning up to Parliament yesterday, was the leader of the Tautua Samoa Party, Palusalue Fa’apo II. During the debate of the Plumbing Bill 2013, the Minister of Health, Tuitama Dr. Leao Tuitama, questioned his presence there.
“Since we are talking about permits, what I want to know Mr. Speaker is whether the M.P. (Palusalue) has a permit to be present in this meeting today,” Tuitama said.
“I was told that he had pink eye. My concern is that he is bringing the disease to all of us. Now, is there a letter from a doctor to allow him to be in a public place, clearing him of spreading the disease?” Tuitama’s concern was supported by deputy Prime Minister, Fonotoe Pierre Lauofo.
He said: “The issue raised by the Minister of Health is very important.”
Addressing Tuitama, Fonotoe asked: “Can you please elaborate on what this disease is, pink eye, for the protection of the House?”
But Palusalue was not impressed. He rubbished attempts by Tuitama and Fonotoe to divert the focus from what he said were “the real issues.” “Mr. Speaker, this is rubbish. They are bringing rubbish,” said Palusalue. “They are dragging the meeting and I’m trying to help your honour.” Palusalue said Parliament should be discussing more pertinent issues such as ways to reduce the cost of living that is hurting the country.
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“The reason why I’m bringing up (these costs in the Plumbing bill) is because it will become a burden to the country. Our people are suffering enough.
They don't need any more costs added to their shoulders.” Palusalue could have done with some support from his party. He didn't get it. Faleata West M.P., Lealailepule Rimoni Aiafi, called for a motion to remove anyone with pink eye from Parliament. “I believe our leader has a permit,” said Leala.
“However, for the protection of the Speaker and all of us, I believe a motion should be moved to remove anyone with pink eye from the House in case we are affected when we’ve got a mountain of work to do.”
At that point, Speaker La’auli intervened. “We may think of this (issue) lightly but this is very serious,” he said.
According to the Speaker, Palusalue notified him “about his predicament in terms of his eyes” on Tuesday. “I’ve even told some M.P.’s to rest until they are well because we don't want our meeting to be postponed.”
The Speaker then asked Minister Tuitama to look into the issue and notify him if any Member of Parliament needs to leave the premises.
“We are spending more than twelve hours in this House with the air condition running,” La’auli pointed out, adding that there is the risk of the disease spreading quickly. On the other hand, the Speaker said the pink eye epidemic should not be an excuse to leave Parliament early.
“I’ve noticed that some members are absent from their seats,” he said.
“I don't know whether they’ve got pink eye or they’ve just decided to disappear.” La’auli reminded Members of Parliament about their obligation to notify the Speaker should they decide to leave the session.
He also reminded them that being away from the session for three hours could constitute being absent for one day. Having said that, he reminded Minister Tuitama to advise him about what needs to be done with any M.P. suspected to have been diagnosed with pink eye. But Palusalue objected. “Mr Speaker, I am very concerned,” he said.
“A doctor for women is not the same as an eye doctor. "So I’m worried that he might give an advice for my eyes when that’s a job for specialist eye doctors.” Laughing, the Speaker responded: “Even a woman has eyes. Leave the decision to the Minister.”
Later during the session, Minister Tuitama fire back: “So who’s going to pay my fee for checking Palusalue?” The Parliament session continued until 11pm last night.
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