A Social Worker and Counsellor for patients and families is now available at the Tupua Tamasese Meaole Hospital.
“The service was just started last year and it is one of a kind in the country,” said Principal Social Worker and Counsellor, Pei Tauiliili Reupena.
“We deal with the needs of patients in the hospital.” There are already up to 30 cases each week that he deals with and he believes there is a need for this for patients and families.
There are only two staff and two part timers from Australia and New Zealand now working at the service.
“Promoting the standard of health care to the next level in Samoa is one of the most vital things through this service,” he said.
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"One of the most important qualities social workers need, is diplomacy, because of the range of people and professionals with whom they have to deal.”
“They also need to be calm at all times, they have to be resilient, they have to be confident and they have to be extremely intelligent, open and honest especially an education background in social worker.”
A proposed structure for social services includes the social workers section, as well as public relations officers and chaplaincy services.
“Under the social workers section comes the social work; support/assessments, counselling, clinical support, family groups, conferencing, therapies/ programmes, patient advocacies, social education and community and mental health.
“These three services must work together so that the service will function well,” said Pei.
“The public relation officers will cover internal and external relationships, public meetings, cultural matters, public awareness, public safety and a directory, hospital tours, information and ambassadors.”
He said that spiritual support under chaplaincy services is one of the most important components.
“Under this service we make ward visits, staff provides spiritual support (Friday Services), palliative care, assist with funeral consultations and assist and work with community and church ministers.”
“Currently the social services unit is under the Allied Professionals Manager together with other health specialists services.”
“But with the complete subservices included in the future, a full structure will be in order as indicated.”
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