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N.K.F. $1,000 for checkup


CHAIRWOMAN: Gatoloai Amataga Gidlow.If you are a non-citizen of Samoa and you need a check up at the National Kidney Foundation (N.K.F.) be prepared to pay $990 more than those who are citizens.

This is according to the Health and Social Services, Internal Affairs, Community and Social Development (H.S.S.I.A.C.S.D.) Committee’s Report on the N.K.F.’s Annual Report for the Financial Year ending June 30 2011.

The Committee’s Chairperson is Gatoloaifaana A. Alesana-Gidlow.

According to the report, the Committee was able to visit the Kidney Foundation headquarters at Moto’otua. It was recognised that the Foundation is operating well.

“(The) Committee witnessed some of the initiatives undertaken by the Foundation to improve it services,” the Report reads.

“About 12 chairs were purchased, another room for kidney patients was constructed and it is estimated that about 46 patients can be checked in the Foundation in one day.

“The Foundation continues to operate in normal hours. The first shift opens at 8am to 12 noon and the second shift is from 12 noon to 7pm.

“Fees for check up in the Foundation continues to be $10 tala for Samoan citizens and $1,000 tala for those who are not Samoan citizens.

“(The) Committee acknowledges the hard work undertaken by the management of the Foundation and the Foundation as a whole and is grateful for their diligence in continuously seeking to improve the dialysis unit in Samoa.

“In its report the Committee made four recommendations to Parliament.

“The Foundation to prioritise its Awareness programs. Committee recognises that this will be the only effective way the public will be aware of causes of kidney disease and its prevention. This also applies to other Health Divisions,” the Committee recommended.

“Requests that divisions within the National Health Services cooperate with the Foundation in alleviating kidney disease in Samoa.

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“Continue to seek opportunities overseas in which the Foundation may be able to attach its staff members to be able to gain experience and knowledge on caring for and minimising the effects of kidney disease.

“The need to have a Vascular Surgeon is important. This must be made a priority.”

In addition to Gatoloaifaana, the Committee consists of Aeau Peniamina Leavaiseeta as the Deputy Chairperson and Members Motuopuaa Aisoli Vaai, Ifopo Matia Filisi, Aveau Nikotemo Palamo, Sooalo Mene and Alo Fulifuli Taveuveu.

The report is published in full below:

1. RECOMMENDATION: The Health and Social Services, Internal Affairs, Community and Social 1Development Committee recommend that the Assembly takes note of its Report. 2. PREAMBLE: The Health and Social Services, Internal Affairs, Community and Social Development Committee is constituted pursuant to the provisions of Standing Order 171.

3. STANDING ORDER 171: In accordance With the provisions of Standing Orders 171, it shall be the duty of the Committee to:- (a) Consider any bill, petition or any other matter referred by the Assembly or pursuant to these Standing Orders; and such Estimates or review of ministerial performance as maybe referred by the Finance & Expenditure Committee;

(b) Examine the policy, administration and expenditure of the ministries and associated government organisations related to health, housing and social services, internal affairs, community and social development.


(Tabled 19/12/2011) (Referred 20/12/2011) P.P. 2011/2012 No. 11, National Kidney Foundation Annual Report for 1 July 2010 - 30 June 2011.


The Health and Social Services, Internal Affairs, Community and Social Development Committee during the course of its investigation heard evidence submitted by: National Kidney Foundation:

Mulipola Roger Hazelman - General


Alvin Margraff - Manager, Corporate Services


The Health and Social Services, Internal Affairs, Community and Social Development

Committee examined the National Kidney Foundation Annual Report given for the Financial Year 2010/2011. Committee recognises several achievements by the Foundation since its establishment, The Foundation reviewed its current focus and realises the importance of shifting its attention to those patients on the island of Savaii. Since its initiation in 2005, there were at least 6 patients who were undertaking checkups. According to records of 2005 to June 2011, at least 56 patients are now using the Foundation service and an increase in the number of patients using this service is foreseeable.

Committee also recognises that the Foundations awareness initiatives have been in one hand taken into account and on the other, it has been less important to some.

However, it sees the importance of having such awareness programs so as to ensure that the public is aware of the causes of kidney disease and how to prevent such disease. Most of the kidney awareness programs have been undertaken in the rural areas as well as in governmental ministries in Apia.

The Foundations total revenue for the year 2010/201 1 experienced a slight increase of about $145,000 tala from the government compared to the previous year 2009/2010. An increase in expenditure by the Foundation was also noted. About $901,938 was spent in the year 2010/201 1 for the purpose of accommodating the rise in salaries for staff as well as to purchase more equipment for its foundation purposes.

Balance from expenditures for the year 201 1 is diminutive compared to its balance for the financial year June 2010. Work undertaken by kidney professionals from overseas, Dr. Mark Hamilton, Dr. John Bingley and Dr. David Voss continues, which is a great financial assistance to the Foundation as well as the government as they aid in providing the best service to Samoan kidney patients. In examining the Foundations report, Committee understands the Foundation’s need to have an attachment program. This is to train staff members especially nurses to better provide for its kidney patients. There is still a need of the Foundation for a vascular surgeon who can offer his/her service in Samoa. Foundation continues to face an ongoing problem with the failure and carelessness on the part of its patients to adhere to rules and advice given by the Foundation to deter or minimise the effects of such disease.

7. COMMITTEE VISIT The Health and Social Services, Internal Affairs and Community Development Committee was able to visit the Kidney Foundation headquarters at Motootua.

It was recognised that the Foundation is operating well. Committee witnessed some of the initiatives undertaken by the Foundation to improve it services. About 12 chairs were purchased, another room for kidney patients was constructed and it is estimated that about 46 patients can be checked in the Foundation in one day. The Foundation continues to operate in normal hours. The first shift opens at 8am to 12 noon and the second shift is from 12 noon- 7pm. Fees for check up in the Foundation continues to be $10 tala for Samoan citizens and $1,000 tala for those who are not Samoan citizens. Committee acknowledges the hard work undertaken by the management of the Foundation and the Foundation as a whole and is grateful for their diligence in continuously seeking to improve the dialysis unit in Samoa.

8. RECOMMENDATIONS 1. The Foundation to prioritise its Awareness programs. Committee recognises that this will be the only effective way the public will be aware of causes of kidney disease and its prevention. This also applies to other Health Divisions; 2. Requests that divisions within the National Health Services cooperate with the Foundation in alleviating kidney disease in Samoa;

3. Continue to seek opportunities overseas in which the Foundation may be able to attach its staff members to be able to gain experience and knowledge on caring for and minimizing the effects of kidney disease;

4. The need to have a Vascular Surgeon is important. This must be made a priority.


At the conclusion of findings by the Committee, it is recommended that the Legislative Assembly approves:- P.P. 2012/2013 No. 12, Annual Report of the National Kidney Foundation for 1 July 2010- 30 June 2011


  Afioga Hon. GATOLOAIFAANA A. Alesana-Gidlow

  Afioga Hon. AEAU Peniamina Leavaiseeta Deputy

  Tofa MOTUOPUAA Aisoli Vaai

  Afioga IFOPO Matia Filisi

  Tofa AVEAU Nikotemo Palamo

  Tofa SOOALO Mene

  Tofa ALO Fulifuli Taveuveu

















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