Members of the Samoa Association of Manufacturers & Exporters (SA.M.E.) met with representatives from the United Nations Development Programme (U.N.D.P.) to discuss progress on their joint venture.
Their meeting on Tuesday at the Le Alaimoana Hotel, Vaiala, focused on the progress of efforts to establish an administration office for S.A.M.E.
This follows the partners signing a Letter of Agreement last year as part of a private sector support programme, according to a joint press release.
This called for “the implementation of accelerating M.D.G.’s in the Pacificprivate sector support where S.A.M.E. serves as implementing partner”.
The programme provided funding to enable S.A.M.E. to recruit a Technical Advisor to head the establishment of its administration office and to provide ongoing technical support for its members.
The recruitment of the Technical Advisor and establishment of the S.A.M.E. office are an integral part of S.A.M.E.’s plans to enhance its services for its members, and promote and develop the manufacturing and export trade sectors of Samoa.
The programme is for a period of three years, with funding by U.N.D.P. on a year by year basis, subject to a successful implementation of the programme.
Laisene Tuioti Mariner was recruited by S.A.M.E. as its Technical Advisor under the programme.
In S.A.M.E.’s Interim Report submitted to the U.N.D.P. - the Association has considered the programme as a huge success for its members in the following areas:
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• S.A.M.E. has now established a fully and well equipped administration Office located at the Wesley Arcade Matafele - offering full services to its members and stakeholders; and also as the focal point for S.A.M.E. The office is assisted by the New Zealand V.S.A. Programme through the provision of Administration and Finance Advisors.
• The programme directly contributed to the successful implementation of the S.A.M.E. “Buy Samoa Made” New Zealand Trade Show that took place in November 2013
• Effective co-ordination and continuation of the S.A.M.E. International Certification (I.S.O.) Programme 2014-2016 on a sustainable basis.
• Enhancement of competitiveness of Samoan manufacturers and exporters of goods and services, leading to increase trade and exports.
The anticipated impact of the programme would be increased competitiveness, export and trade, which could contribute to job creation and poverty alleviation for Samoa.
The U.N.D.P. Resident Representative Mr Anthony Wood was very appreciative of the receipt of the Interim Progress Report from S.A.M.E. and on behalf of the U.N.D.P. Pacific Centre and Multi-Country Office in Apia.
He acknowledged the dedicated efforts of S.A.M.E. to ongoing strengthening of its operations and services to its members and country as a whole.
“U.N.D.P. stands fully prepared to assist the private sector and Government of Samoa in its efforts to increase its trade income particularly now it has graduated from Least Developed Country status, and to the successful implementation of the Trade, Commerce and manufacturers Sector Plan, in which S.A.M.E. plays an important role.
“The stronger the private sector is, the better it is for implementation of the Sector Plan and we are very happy to learn of the progress that has been made with the modest resources provided by U.N.D.P.”, said Mr Wood.
The S.A.M.E. President, Tagaloa Eddie Wilson says S.A.M.E. are very grateful of U.N.D.P.’s assistance with this programme. Tagaloa said “Together S.A.M.E. and U.N.D.P. discussed the increasing role of S.A.M.E. to provide its international certification programme to assist manufacturers and exporters’ competitiveness and export potential.
“This in turn will enable S.A.M.E. to contribute to poverty alleviation in Samoa”.
The partners also acknowledge appreciation assistance from the New Zealand High Commission in furnishing the office; as well as the support by the Government of Samoa and various funding from the Private Sector Support Facility (P.S.S.F.) and Trade, Commerce & Manufacturing Sector (T.C.M.) Programme.
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