Yazaki EDS Samoa held a ‘Quality Circles Competition’ last Friday afternoon as part of its “bottom up” management approach.
The competition was divided into five teams; Engineering department, Quality Assurance, Material Control, Production One and Production two.
President of Yazaki EDS, Graig O’Donohue from Australia expressed his sincere gratitude when he was invited.
“If I may reflect back to this morning’s award ceremony for the Best Line and Best Operators, it is humbling indeed to visually see and personally feel the immense passion and dedicated spirit that the Yazaki members have in their hearts and minds.
“This is teamwork and unity, in the true sense, that is extremely powerful and why I said and reconfirm, YES’s greatest asset is its people and make for a great company.”
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He said that “the QCC presentations we are about to be part of is absolutely another example that YES members are ‘Best in Class’ with our relentless continuous improvement objectives.
“This exemplifies the Yazaki fundamentals and Yazaki spirit that will go to continually evolve our organization to a very valuable participant in the global arena of Yazaki’s global business.”
“Your exceptional efforts in putting together your QCC presentation for us to witness today is absolutely wonderful and I am proud to be part of today’s event.”
General Manager Funefeai Oliva Vaai stated that the event was part of an eternal competition to encourage teams from different departments to identify major concerns and problems related to quality and determine root causes and apply countermeasures while gauging the impact of their actions.
“It is a bottom up activity and is very much encouraged by Japanese manufacturers as a way to promote morale throughout the workplace,” he said.
“And it is through the actual participation of people at ground level in investigations and offering solutions – a function which is normally carried out by management personnel.
“The logic behind this is that people at ground level would know more from hands-on experiences.”
The results are;
1st . Production One
2nd . Production Two
3rd . Material Control
4th . Quality Assurance
5th . Engineering Department
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