Fifteen new young doctors were given Registration Certificates yesterday after completing a two year House Surgeon Programme at the National Health Services (N.H.S).
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Minister of Health, Tuitama Dr. Talalelei Tuitama, congratulated the new doctors during a ceremony at Moto’otua yesterday.
“As doctors you have a responsibility to individuals, society and the profession to provide medical care that is responsive to group and individual needs,” said Tuitama.
“Medical practitioners of Samoa expect that doctors will conduct themselves, personally and professionally, in a way that will maintain public trust and confidence in the patients.”
With the motto ‘Aspire to Serve’, Tuitama encouraged the new doctors about the responsibilities that they will have to commit themselves to.
“There will be challenges along the way but a good doctor can handle all the pressure to serve the needs of the people,” he said.
The house surgeon programme, according to Tuitama, started in the early 1990s.
“The Samoa Medical Council at the time started to put in place a programme to provide the necessary supervision of new graduates to gain the experience and confidence to work with minimum supervision.”
It is a two year programme where house surgeons are required to cover surgical and internal medicine, paediatrics, general outpatient, accidents and emergencies, and community and rural attachments to Tuasivi at Malietoa Tanumafili II hospital.
Among the registrants were students who took courses in Fiji as well as New Zealand. A 15th registrant, Dr. James Alesana-Slater, was left off the list of registrants sent to Samoa Observer and his details could not be confirmed by press time.
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