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N.H.S. – staff and drug shortages


BASIC NEEDS: Staff and medicine shortages were two issues faced by the T.T.M. Hospital during the 2009-2010 fi nancial year.A shortage of staff and medicinal drugs available at the Tupa Tamasese Meaole Hospital were two issues faced by the National Health Service during the 2009- 2010 financial year.

In its report on the Report on the National Health Services 2009-2010, the Health and Social Services, Internal Affairs, Community and Social Development Committee (H.S.S.I.A.C.S.D.) Committee noted that nurses and doctors are overworked due to the limited staff.

Gatoloaifaana Amataga Gidlow serves as this Committee’s chairperson.

CHAIRPERSON: Gatoloaifaana Amataga Gidlow.“Private practitioners are used to surmount the problem the hospital is currently facing,” the report reads.

“The Tupua Tamasese Meaole (T.T.M.) Hospital is currently engaged in a partnership program with New Zealand and Australia to assist with the provision of specialised doctors to Samoa.”

For this reason, the Committee made a specific recommendation to government.

“That the Corporation seek for specialist in specific services in order to avoid having to utilise overseas Specialist that require a high level of salary,” according to the report.

In addition to the staff shortage, the Committee noted that the T.T.M. Hospital’s Pharmaceutical Division also encountered challenges.

“It includes the difficulty of ensuring that medicine is distributed equally amongst hospital branches in Samoa,” the H.S.S.I.A.C.S.D. reports.

“The Pharmaceutical Division is currently working on attaining medicine/medical drugs that can cure diseases but in in align with government policies.

“It has been a new initiative of the Division to acquire a computer that can monitor drugs available and those needed to purchase so as to ensure that medical drugs/medicine is sufficient to cater the needs of its people.”

In regards to this Division the Committee recommended to government that the Corporation conduct a research on overseas countries pharmaceutical sections.

“To find special chemicals that are used and needed for medical operations of the general public,” the report reads.

In addition to Gatoloaifaana, Aeau Peniamina Leavaiseeta served as the Committee’s Deputy Chairperson and Motuopuaa Aisoli Vaai, Ifopo Matia Filisi, Aveau Nikotemo Palamo, Sooalo Mene, Tofa Alo Fulifuli Taveuveu served as members.

The report is republished in full below:

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1. RECOMMENDATION:- The Health and Social Services, Internal Affairs, Community and Social Development Committee recommends that the Assembly takes note of its Report.

2. PREAMBLE:- The Health and Social Services, Internal Affairs, Community and Social Development Committee is constituted pursuant to the provisions of Standing Orders 171.


accordance with the provisions of Standing Orders 171 it shall be the of the Committee to: (a) Consider any bill, petition or other matter referred by the Assembly or pursuant to these Standing Orders; and such Estimates or review of ministerial performance as maybe referred by the Finance & Expenditure Committee; (b) Examine the policy, administration and expenditure of ministries and associated government organisations related to health, housing and social services, internal affairs, community and development.


(Tabled 09/10/2013) (Referred 09/10/29013)

P.P. 2013/2014 No. 42, Report on the National Health Services 2009-2010

5. WITNESS The Committee during the course of its investigation on the National Health Service Annual Report 2009-2010 head evidence submitted by the Corporation:

Leota Lamositele Laki Sio -General Manager

Leilani M. Galuvao - Manager Finkin Misimoa - Internal Accountant 6. FINDINGS

The setting up of the National Health Services on 1 July 2006 was in recognition for the need to separate the service delivery roles for a reform in the health sector under the long term plan of the Government since 1990.

The Corporation is established under the National Health Services Act 2006, it is a state owned corporate body that is responsible to cater for the needs of the people of Samoa regarding health matters such as operation and research. Whereas the Ministry of Health is responsible for over plans, policies and monitoring of the services provided by other corporations for the Health Sector.

The Committee noted that this is the first Annual Report presented since its establishment in 2006, due to the fact that it was under the administration of the Ministry of Finance while awaiting the allocation of its Assets between the Ministry and the Service as it prepares for separation. Separation of services and functions is a good move as it will monitor the execution of work. The purpose behind the initiative is to ensure the continual development on the part of its services as well as the appropriate allocation of work performed.

National Health Service encountered two challenges in the examined year:

1. The spread of the contagious Flu virus H1N1 around the world which affected Samoa.

2. Tsunami on September 2009 These challenges added more to the already heavy workload of the Service at the time.

Despite such challenges, the Service was still able to accommodate thaose who were affected at the time. The National Health Service recognises the assistance offered by its overseas counterparts at the time. Committee also noted more challenges the National Health Services encounters during the years. Not only is there the effort to ensure its services provided to the public is of quality but also the collection of statistics on its financial report for the years 2006/2007, 2007/2008, and 2008/2009. These challenges were resolved as the National Health Service partnered up with other similar services and governmental management in seeking ways to impede the spread of the disease in the country. Despite such challenges, the National Health Service was still focussed on achieving its main goal and purpose.

6.1 Tupa Tamasese Meaole Hospital The Tupa Tamasese Meaole Hospital is the headquarters of all health services in the country. It is where large operations are being undertaken. It leads and assists other health service branches around the country.

Committee recognises that nurses and doctors are overworked due to the limited staff. Private practitioners are used to surmount the problem the hospital is currently facing. The Tupa Tamasese Meaole Hospital is currently engaged in a partnership program with New Zealand and Australia to assist with the provision of specialised doctors to Samoa.

6.2 Pharmaceutical Division This division deals with the purchase, storage and distribution of medical drugs/ medicine. It also ensures that all medicine is available to the public by ensuring that all hospitals in the country have them.

Committee noted that the Pharmaceutical division has also encountered challenges.

It includes the difficulty of ensuring that medicine is distributed equally amongst hospital branches in Samoa.

The Pharmaceutical Division is currently working on attaining medicine/medical drugs that can cure diseases but in in align with government policies. It has been a new initiative of the Division to acquire a computer that can monitor drugs available and those needed to purchase so as to ensure that medical drugs/medicine is sufficient to cater the needs of its people.


Based on its findings, the Committee recommends to Government to:

1. That the Corporation conduct a research on overseas countries Pharmacy Section, to find special chemicals that are used and needed for medical operations of the general public.

2. That the Corporation seek for specialist in specific services in order to avoid having to utilise overseas Specialist that require a high level of salary.

3. That the Corporation provide in its Annual Reports the Financial Statements.


At the conclusion of its consideration the Committee resolved to recommend the Assembly:

To approve P.P. 2013/2014 No. 42, Report on the National Health Services 2009-2010.


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