The Office of the Electoral Commissioner has faced no less than six issues, including villages’ tendency to disregard registration work by its staff.
In its report on the O.E.C.’s Annual Reports for the financial years ending June 30 2009-2010, 2010-2011 and 2011-2012, the Business, Standing Orders, House and Electoral (B.S.O.H.E) Committee reported that the 2010-2011 was particularly problematic for the Commission.
La'aulialemalietoa Polataivao Fosi serves as the Committee’s Chairman.
“Some of the issues the Office encountered during the three Financial Years include village’s tendency to disregard registration work by the Registration Division carried out with the constituencies to register new eligible voters who have reached the age of 21,” the Committee reports.
“Village mayors (Pulenuu) not notifying the villagers of the Offices registration work.
“Irrelevant information received on births, deaths and marriages from the Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages.
“Lack of expertise in public outreach and awareness to help with the Offices Awareness Programs.
“Registrar of matais not complying with the requirement of the Electoral Act 1963 Section 18 A to submit the list of registered matais every three months.
“Limited funds to purchase capital items and carry our programs. This is an issue that is not limited to the Financial Years reported but it is an issue to this day.”
In light of these issues the Committee proceeded to make six recommendations to Government.
“Continue the collaborative effort between the OfĐce of the Electoral Commissioner and village and Government representatives through the Ministry of Women, Community and Social Development to ensure the success of the Offices programs in reviewing the list of electors and registration of new voters,” the B.S.O.H.E Committee recommended.
“The Committee believes that the responsibility can be given to the villages to lighten the load from the Office regarding the updating of the Electoral Roll before General Elections.
“Encourage the cooperation of the Office and its stakeholders to ensure that the accurate and complete records satisfies the provisions within the Electoral Act 1963.
“The Committee believes that the collaborative efforts between the Office, the Registrar of Birth Death and Marriage and the Registrar of Titles at the Ministry of Justice, Courts and Administration will prevent the issues stated in the Annual Reports from reoccurring.
“Implement the Strategic Plan of the Office of the Electoral Commissioner to address the issues as was witnessed during the 2011 General Elections.
“The Committee noticed there was a short supply of equipment such as computers, laptops and finger print scanners for registration work.”
“Implement the Offices awareness programs regarding the importance of registration.
“Advise the Ministry of Finance to appropriate funds for the implementation of the programs of the Office in preparation for the 2016 General Elections.
“Prioritise a new building for the Office of the Electoral Commissioner to organise for the 2016 General Elections.
“The Committee recommends that the Government also consider a permanent headquarters for the Office in Savaii for the electors residing in that part of the country to be utilised especially during the General Elections.” In addition to Laauli, Agafili Patisela Eteuati Tolovaa served as the Committee’s Deputy Chairman and Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi, Palusalue Faapo II, Tuu’u Anasii Leota, Lealailepule Rimoni Aiafi and Lefau Harry Schuster served as members. The report is republished in full below:
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1. RECOMMENDATION:- The Business, Standing Orders, House and Electoral Committee recommends that the Assembly take note of its Report.
The Business, Standing Orders, House and Electoral Committee is constituted under the provisions of Standing Order 169:
Pursuant to Standing Order 169, it shall be the responsibility of the Committee to:- i. Nominate members for the other Select Committees at the commencement of each Parliament and whenever required; ii. Review the broadcasting of the proceedings of the Legislative Assembly by television, newspapers and radio and make recommendation to maintain standards of fairness; iii. Make recommendations to the Legislative Assembly on rules for the coverage of the proceedings of the Legislative Assembly; iv. Consider any question of disorder which may arise from time to time from the broadcast of the proceedings of the legislative Assembly television, newspapers or radio; v.
Consider any complaint made concerning the broadcast of the proceedings of the Legislative Assembly by television newspaper or radio;
vi. Consider from time to time and report to the Assembly on any proposal for the amendment of those Standing Orders which may be referred to it under the provisions of Standing Orders (Motion to Amend Standing Orders) and on all matters relation of these Orders which may be referred to it by the Assembly; vii. Conduct a review of standing orders towards the end of each Parliament and such report to be approved by the Assembly before dissolution of Parliament
viii. Consider and advise Mr Speaker upon all matters connected with official functions concerning the Legislative assembly, the Parliamentary Pension Scheme, the comfort and convenience of members of Parliament, including the Library and to report from time to time the record of its proceedings to the Assembly;
ix. Consider any bill, petition, report or other matter referred by the Assembly or pursuant to Standing Orders;
x. Conduct a review of the Electoral Act once during the 18 months period proceedings the expiry of parliament and to report to the Assembly at least 12 months before the date of expiry of the Parliamentary Term;
xi. Examine the administration and expenditure of the Electoral Commission Office
1. P.P. 2012/2013, No. 25, Annual Report of the Electoral Commissioner —
2. P.P. 2012/2013, No. 53 Annual Report of the Electoral Commissioner —
3. P.P. 2012/2013, No. 54, Annual Report of the Electoral Commissioner — 2010/2011.
5. ASSISTANCE (S.O. 156):-
The Committee sought assistance from the following officials on issues concerning the Office of the Electoral Commissioner. OFFICE OF THE ELECTORAL
1. Papalii Malietau Malietoa - Electoral Commissioner
2. Afualo Daryl Mapu - Principal - Registration Division
3. Tusitala Su’a - Principal - Corporate Services
1) Fepuleai Letufuga A. M. Ropati - Clerk of the Legislative Assembly 6. CONSIDERATION:- The Strategic Plan of the Office of the Electoral Commissioner states its Vision and Mission: 6.1 VISION Samoa’s electoral system is embraced by the people and its processes easily understood trusted and accepted 6.2 MISSION To enhance Samoa’s system of government through the efficient and effective execution of its electoral system and processes and by the provision of effective electoral service to enable people to exercise their rights and responsibilities under the Constitution 7. LEGISLATIVE FRAMEWORK:- The Office of the Electoral Commissioner is mandated by the following Legislations:- 1) Constitution 2) Electoral Act 1963 3) Territorial Constituency Act 1963 4) Electoral Regulations 1991, 2001 & 2005 5) Public Service Act 2004 6) Public Service Regulation 2009 7) Public Finance Management Act 2001 8. ACHIEVED WORK OUTPUTS:- 8.1 Financial Year ended 30 June 2009 The Annual Report for this Financial Year outlines the work undertaken. The Office focused on updating the Electoral Roll during the 2008/2009 period. This review was to confirm the number of deceased within the Roll and to have them removed as is provided for in Section 32(b)(ii) of the Electoral Act l963. The Committee noted that this year saw the preliminary efforts by the Office to kick start its awareness programs beginning with staff and students of the National University of Samoa during their orientation program. The same program was conducted for the University of the South Pacific to coincide with their orientation program at Alafua. The last two sessions were held for village mayors (Pulenuu) in Upolu and Savaii. The objective of these awareness programs is to inform the country of the functions and services of the Office.
8.2 Financial Year ended 30 June 2010 Being the year before the General Elections, the Office focused on registering as many electors as possible.
The Office consulted with its service provider; Computer Services Ltd to upgrade the Electronic Registration System. The Committee noted that this upgrade improved the search functions and photo quality to enhance management of the voting process.
The Committee also noted that there were by-elections for the constituencies of Faleata West and Safata. The seat for Vaisigano held by Afioga Hon Vaai Papu Vailupe was unopposed therefore there was no by-election. Parliament has approved the By-Elections Report for these by-elections held during the 2009/2010 Financial Year.
8.3 Financial Year ended 30 June 2011 A major operation during the reporting year was the conducting and management of the General Elections held on March 4 2011. The Committee noted in the Annual Report that the Office continued its registration work at its Main Office at Mulinuu for Upolu residences and at anutoao hall in Salelologa.
The Annual Report also confirms that the Offices promotional advertisements are continuous to encourage qualified electors and voters to register before the polls close.
The Committee has noted some of the issues faced by the Office of the Electoral Commissioner in the reported Financial Years especially for the 2010/201 l period. Some of the issues the Office encountered during the three Financial Years include:-
l. Village’s tendency to disregard registration work by the Registration Division carried out with the constituencies to register new eligible voters who have reached the age of 21.
2. Village mayors (Pulenuu) not notifying the villagers of the Offices registration work.
3. Irrelevant information received on births, deaths and marriages from the Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages. 4. Lack of expertise in public outreach and awareness to help with the Offices Awareness Programs 5. Registrar of Matais not complying with the requirement of the Electoral Act 1963 Section 18 A to submit the list of registered matais every three (3) months. 6. Limited funds to purchase capital items and carry our programs. This is an issue that is not limited to the Financial Years reported but it is an issue to this day.
ELECTIONS The Commissioner made known their preparations for the 2016 General Elections. The first proposal is to establish a new building for the Office. The Committee supports this proposal based on the knowledge that there was an incident during the last week of the registration period that was caused by the deteriorating state of the building during the 2011 General Elections. This is a relevant plan to prevent such events from reoccurring. The review of the list of electors is an ongoing task. This coincides with the auditing of the Electoral Roll to remove the names of the deceased voters and add the names of new electors that have reached the age of 21. There is a plan to begin training programs this year; 2Ol4 to cover the implementation of duties and responsibilities regarding elections.
11. RECOMMENDATIONS At the conclusion of its findings, the Committee recommends the Government- 1. Continue the collaborative effort between the Office of the Electoral Commissioner and village and Government representatives through the Ministry of Women, Community and Social Development to ensure the success of the Offices programs in reviewing the list of electors and registration of new voters
The Committee believes that the responsibility can be given to the villages to lighten the load from the Office regarding the updating of the Electoral Roll before General Elections. 2.
Encourage the cooperation of the Office and its stakeholders to ensure that the accurate and complete records satisfies the provisions within the Electoral Act 1963. The Committee believes that the collaborative efforts between the Office, the Registrar of Birth Death and Marriage and the Registrar of Titles at the Ministry of Justice, Courts and Administration will prevent the issues stated in the Annual Reports from reoccurring.
3. Implement the Strategic Plan of the Office of the Electoral Commissioner to address the issues as was witnessed during the 2011 General Elections
The Committee noticed there was a short supply of equipment such as computers, laptops and finger print scanners for registration work.
4. Implement the Offices awareness programs regarding the importance of registration.
5. Advise the Ministry of Finance to appropriate funds for the implementation of the programs of the Office in preparation for the 2016 General Elections.
6. Prioritize a new building for the Office of the Electoral Commissioner to organize for the 2016 General Elections The Committee recommends that the Government also consider a permanent headquarters for the Office in Savaii for the electors residing in that part of the country to be utilized especially during the General Elections.
At the conclusion of its considerations, the Committee resolved to recommend that the Assembly approve:-
1. P.P. 2012/2013, No. 25. Annual Report of the Electoral Commissioner — 2008/2009.
2. P.P. 2012/2013, No. S3 Annual Report of the Electoral Commissioner — 2009/2010.
3. P.P. 2012/2013, No. 54, Annual Report of the Electoral Commissioner — 2010/2011.
Hon LAAULI Leuatea Polataivao Fosi. CHAIRPERSON.
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