“When the other side (of Parliament) wants a chance (to address the House) they should be given that. It’s the same with our side when we ask for an opportunity; we should be given that chance too”
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Prime Minister, Tuilaepa Sa’ilele Malielegaoi, has rubbished claims from the Opposition that the Speaker of the House is being influenced by the government.
Speaking during his weekly press conference last week, Tuilaepa said such “weak” claims are unfounded. Tuilaepa was asked for a comment following claims by the Opposition that the government has too much influence on the Speaker’s decision making.
Tuilaepa rejected this.
“Your independency is reflected by the decisions you make,” Tuilaepa said. “When you sit on the (Speaker’s) chair, that is when you become independent with the decisions you make.”
As the Speaker, the Prime Minister explained that both sides of Parliament should be able to access him.
“When the other side (of Parliament) wants a chance (to address the House) they should be given that. It’s the same with our side when we ask for an opportunity; we should be given that chance too."
“Now, when someone cries out for an opportunity and you don’t offer it, then that’s wrong.”
Tuilaepa also dismissed criticisms from the Opposition that he should not be talking to the Speaker during Parliament breaks.
“I talk to anyone,” Tuilaepa said. “I don’t know where they come up with all these weak claims.”
Last week, the former Speaker of the House, A’eau Peniamina Leavaise’eta questioned the relationship between the Prime Minister and the Speaker.
In the wake of the Constitutional amendment in relation to the appointment of the Speaker, A’eau said the Speaker should not only be seen to be independent but he should also distance himself from political “infection”.
He was particularly concerned about the Prime Minister’s habit of “having tea inside the Speaker’s chamber”. “When Parliament is on break that is the only time that members can talk to the Speaker with any problems they have. But that can’t be done when all his time is taken by the Prime Minister.”
Leader Palusalue Fa’apo II backed up his Deputy.
But he was more specific on the change of the appointment of the Speaker.
“Its independency will no longer exist,” said Palusalue.
He explained that the amendment should prohibit the Speaker appointed from being part of any political meeting.
This way, Palu said; it would ensure he/she is not influenced by the members and leaders of that political party.
Salega M.P. Afualo Dr Wood Salele agreed with A’eau and Palusalue.
“The main aim is for the Speaker to uphold his integrity and independency,” he said.
“He shouldn’t be infected from any political party’s decision. He has the supreme power in Parliament, higher than the Prime Minister but we fear that the amendment will take that away.”
Afualo also suggested that the Speaker should be appointed through a petition signed by members of the public.
Contacted for a comment last week, Speaker La’aulialemalietoa Polataivao Fosi was not immediately available. His secretary said La’auli was busy with an in-country regional meeting but she will contact the Samoa Observer when he is free.
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