PR - To assist students with their preparations for the 2014 National Exams, the Association of Teachers of English in Samoa (T.A.T.E.S) held tutorials last Saturday.
These were held from 9 am to 12 noon at three centers in Upolu – Sagaga, Maluafou and Falealili Colleges.
The members of the association which include lecturers and teachers from the National University of Samoa, government, mission and private schools were pleased with the turn up of students at each centre.
Students from other colleges attended the centre closest to them.
For instance, students from Lepa/Lotofaga and Palalaua Colleges joined students of Falealili at their College.
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The turn-up of students attested to students’ eagerness to learn, and also school principals’ support of the association and their continued efforts to support the teaching of English as a subject.
The Association plans to continue these tutorials on a fortnightly basis and to hold tutorials also for students in Savai’i.
T.A.T.E.S wishes to extend their appreciation to the Principals and Communities of Sagaga, Falealili and Maluafou for availing their school premises for the tutorials.
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