The benefits of Samoan breadfruit were discussed at a presnetation given by Dr. Diane Ragone at the National University (N.U.S.) last week.
Dr. Ragone, the Director of the Hawaii-based Breadfruit Institute of the National Tropical Botanical Garden (N.T.B.G), held the seminar to discuss her work which deals with the conservation and documentation of breadfruit variety for the general public.
The work of the Breadfruit Institute, which includes education, an outreach program and looking at the health benefits of the fruit through the creative cooking and eating it were also looked at.
Dr. Ragone said that Samoa is really rich in breadfruit and in different breadfruit varieties.
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“So I encourage people of Samoa to continue growing breadfruit,” she said.
“To use it more in their diet and also looking at the work that S.R.O.S. (Scientific Research Organisation of Samoa) is doing in economic development.
“All breadfruit varieties are all important- because it is a complex, fibre rich, starchy fruit and it’s (a) very nutritious mineral.
“It is more nutritious than rice, more nutritious than potato and far more nutritious than cassava.
“Breadfruit is high in complex carbohydrates, low in fat, cholesterol and gluten free.
“It has a moderate glycemic index compared to white potato, white rice, white bread and taro.”
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