It appears that Apia’s brand new black sand beach has become a waterfront dumping ground.
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The beach was conceived of by Government earlier this year as a part of a plan to beautify the capital in the lead up to the Small Island Developing States (S.I.D.S.) conference, which is less than one month away.
Upon visiting the beach yesterday, the Samoa Observer found it littered with all manner of rubbish from cigarette butts, to broken glass to car tyres.
In fact, there was so much broken glass strewn along the beach that it would be unwise for beachgoers to walk along it without a decent pair of shoes on.
However, there was not only rubbish on the beach itself, trash had also accumulated underneath Vaisigano Bridge where the river meets the sea.
There, one can see plastic bottles, more broken glass, tins and other bits of unidentified garbage, all of it just sitting there waiting for the tide to rise so it can be washed out into the harbour.
But the crowning glory of this ‘beautiful’ site – a big mound of trash piled up on one of the stairways that lead down to the beach itself.
Bags and bags of it – in addition to a lot of green waste.
Earlier this year Tuilaepa said the development does not only involve the beautification of the beach but building shops and restaurants and lights that will illuminate the place like daytime at night.
“These are good plans (for the beautification of Apia) government is trying to make happen,” he said.
“Then Apia will be a beautiful place to see.”
However, not everyone was on board with the new beautification plans, with objections to the beach being raised in April this year by the Tautua Party leader, Palusalue Fa’apo II, Shadow Minister of Environment, Toeolesulusulu Cedric Schuster as well as residents in the nearby area.
“Those who are not happy and that make noises, you all know that they make noises and then it dies away,” said Tuilaepa.
“Let the old men make noises - but many people have offered their congratulations for the beach.
“They do not to see nice things. All they see are problems and more problems.”
Tuilaepa said government, instead, should be congratulated for reviving the beach at “Beach” Road.
“And now we are recreating the old beach with a bit of ingenuity.
“A place where tourists and families can come down and enjoy. To swim and have afternoon picnics.
“And the Opposition does not want it? That’s because they are opposed to any positive development in this country.”
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