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Two dead, health confirms outbreak


Two people have died as the Ministry of Health has raised the alarm about an outbreak of the Acute Fever and Rash (A.F.R.).

According to an alert issued yesterday, Chief Executive Officer, Leausa Dr. Take Naseri said there have been 21 recorded A.F.R. cases in Samoa as of 5 August.

He said all cases had common symptoms of fever, an itchy skin rash, joint pain and generalised body aches.

Leausa reports that four suspected cases were hospitalised at the Tupua Tamasese Meaole Hospital (T.T.M.H.).

“Three were children aged between 2-13 years, two females and one male, and one a man of 45 years who was admitted to the T.T.M.H. Intensive Care Unit (I.C.U.),” he said.

“There have been two deaths among those that presented with A.F.R. symptoms.

“Cases are mainly from around the Apia Urban Area (A.U.A.) and at least one case had a history of travel to and from American Samoa in the preceding weeks.”

Leausa reiterated that his Ministry was still awaiting Laboratory confirmation of the causative agent.

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“But there is high suspicion of a virus transmitted by mosquitoes, similar to the outbreak in American Samoa,” he said.

“We continue to advise the public to be on HIGH ALERT and to take precautions from getting ill.

“We strongly advise to restrict Travel to American Samoa, or to other areas of Samoa if you are ill.”

In regards to Public Health the M.O.H advises the community to avoid mosquito bites by using proper clothing, mosquito repellents, mosquito bed-nets and house screens.

“Control Mosquito numbers by elimination of mosquito breeding sites both indoors and outdoors,” the alert advises.

“Clear drainages, stagnant water or any articles retaining water, which may become mosquito breeding grounds.

“Quickly seek medical advice, when experiencing any of the above symptoms.”

Leausa said his Ministry continues heightened surveillance and increased containment efforts such as vector control measures especially at the ports of entry for aircrafts and ships, school compounds, suspected cases homes and surrounding areas, as well as the T.T.M.H. area.

“Multi-sectoral collaboration with key Government Agencies continues to increase awareness of the outbreak, implement ‘source reduction’ for the vector control and expedite containment efforts,” he said.

“This is coupled by mass multi-media health education awareness programs.

“Assistance from our development partners S.P.C. (Secretariat of the Pacific Community) and W.H.O. (World Health Organisation) has also been sought for extra supplies and technical expertise to assist containment and management of the disease outbreak.”

The C.E.O. said for further information contact Ministry of Health at 68100.

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