“The show is also designed to complement the theme of the S.I.D.S Conference namely; “The Sustainable Development of Small Island Development States through genuine and durable partnerships”
Beach Road came alive yesterday morning when farmers took to the streets for the opening parade of the three-day ‘Agriculture and Fisheries Show.’
The annual event is being organised by the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (M.A.F) as an incentive for farmers to show off their produces.
The Minister of Agriculture; Le Mamea Ropati Mualia, opened the Show.
“Showcasing of the best farms and marine protected areas as well as the best agricultural products for everyone to witness, is an old traditional Samoan practice and this practice is still and alive in today’s society,” he said.
“The show is also designed to complement the theme of the S.I.D.S Conference namely; “The Sustainable Development of Small Island Development States through genuine and durable partnerships”
“As a result of these competitions and public displays, the farmers and fishers hopefully may have been encouraged by competitions to produce the best quality products as you might have witnessed already in the displays around the compound.”
He advised farmers and fishers that “the bigger your farm size is and the more diversified, the better is your chance of winning a prize in these competitions and consequently, the better is your chance of becoming economically sustainable as a farmer in the long term.”
“This is simply a fact of life and should be common knowledge to all.” he said.
Le Mamea said the competitions are an incentive for farmers to boost Agriculture and Fisheries production.
“Let me make a few remarks or shall I say, share with you a few tips concerning the ongoing competitions to help you improve your chances of winning a prize.
“Firstly, may I urge all competitors to display your products in the best fashion possible at wherever you are in the tents so that the judges
can easily view your products when they come around for inspection.”
“Secondly, may I also remind all fellow farmers and competitors to please do not sell or remove your products from wherever they are displayed until the final round of inspections is completed tomorrow at 3pm.”