The Samoa Qualifications Authority (S.Q.A) has completed Validation Consultations with industry representatives and stakeholders on the Proposed National Competency Standards and Samoa Qualifications for Electronic Engineering Trade.
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National Competency Standards are specifications of competencies required for effective performance in the workplace expressed in a consistent format and nationally endorsed by the relevant stakeholders for application within a specific industry or sector.
Samoa Qualifications are awarded when an individual is assessed as fully competent against the National Competency Standards.
The development of National Competency Standards is conducted under the S.Q.A mandate to “work with national stakeholder groups to ensure standards and training requirements are established, in particular for trade, technicians and professional occupations” (S.Q.A Act 2010).
The development of the NCSs for the Electronic Engineering Trade is a continuation of S.Q.A’s work to develop NCSs for the core trades under the T.V.E.T Support Program funded by the Australian government.
The key target outcome of this activity is to improve the relevance of Post-School Education and Training to the needs of the country and improve employability of T.V.E.T graduates.
S.Q.A is advised throughout this activity by the Trades Sector Advisory Group made up of stakeholder representatives from government organisations, N.G.Os, private sector, relevant professional associations and Post-School Education and Training Providers.
The development work is now nearing completion, and the S.Q.A is seeking final comment and endorsement from stakeholders.
Final comments and endorsement of the proposed National Competency Standards and Samoa Qualifications for Electronic Engineering Trade must be submitted to the S.Q.A by Friday 16th January.
Please contact the S.Q.A office on 20976 or email faanimo. or tepora. for copies of the proposed NCSs and SQs for Electronic Engineering Trade.
Copies of the documents are also available on the SQA website
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