Membership in the Samoa National Youth Council (S.N.Y.C) is set to increase thanks to amendments recently made to its Constitution.
Speaking to the Samoa Observer yesterday, S.N.Y.C. Coordinator, Matthew Tofilau, said that during the review of the Council’s Constitution over the weekend, several amendments were introduced.
One of the amendments is in relation to membership, in particular the village chapter model.
In the Village chapter model that was put in place during the establishment of the Youth Council under the Ministry of Women Community Social Development, the village youth council members are only those ones who are endorsed by the village.
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“With the change now that we have added, not only will we have the village youth rep model but we will also be opening our doors to individuals who show their interest to register, subject to meeting a selection criteria that we will have for individual members,” Mr. Tofilau explained.
The Coordinator estimates that with the change, their current membership of 205 youth will increase to a thousand or more.
The other amendment is that the Youth Council will be allowing organisations to register to have representatives in the Council.
He said that they have received several intents from other non-government and civil society organisations that wish to become part of the Council.
And the last of the major amendments done is that “we will be having Persons with disability representative.”
He added that they would be extending the opportunity to have one representative of the Persons with disability to sit in the S.N.Y.C. Executive Board.
The Youth Council executive Board, the Chief Executive Officer and the Division for Youth of the Ministry of Women Community and Social Development conducted a retreat to discuss and develop a Memorandum of Understanding and to review the current S.N.Y.C. Constitution.
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