The Associate Minister of Public Enterprises, Papali’i Niko Lee Hang, has rejected a claim by Faumuina Tiatia Liuga in relation to the upcoming General Elections.
Speaking during the debate of the Electoral Amendment Bill (No. 5) 2015, in Parliament last week, the former Minister of Finance questioned the behaviour of the Committees for candidates contesting the Urban Seats.
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He claimed that these committee members were on a campaign to mislead Territorial Constituency (T.C.) voters, telling them that the law has been changed, prohibiting them from voting for their T.Cs.
Asked for a comment yesterday, Papali’i said the claim by Faumuina is far from the truth.
“I strongly disagree with Faumuina's accusation that some urban seats committees are misleading Voters in terms of where they should vote,” he said.
“It is very clear from the Act in terms of the eligibility criteria that all residents on Freehold Properties within the prescribed boundaries are given the choice to register and vote for the Urban Seats Constituencies or register and vote for their Matai Village Constituency or the Territorial Constituency of their permanent places of residence.”
Papali’i said it is Faumuina who is leading the ‘misleading campaign.’
“I can vouch for my own Committee that they are not misleading voters according to Faumuina but they always explain the options available to them.
“I think Faumuina is misleading the public and not our committees simply because some of his voters residing on Freehold Properties in the Urban areas have transferred out of his constituency.”
According to Papali’i, the most important aspect is to encourage people to vote.
“My message to the community is this: Do not be forced by Committee Members to make your free-will decision in terms of where you will Vote in the upcoming Elections.
“Make sure that you understand and know the choices available to you before your commitment because your vote counts for the future prosperity of our nation.”
Last week, the Electoral Amendment Bill (No.5) 2015, which requires candidates for Territorial Constituencies (T.Cs) to provide “monotaga” for at least three years in order to be eligible for the election was passed.
In Parliament, the bill was criticised by some members as biased, saying it favours one group of Samoans over another. In contrast, candidates intending to run for the Urban Seats only have to provide “general service.” The word “monotaga” is defined in the Bill as “compulsory service” to the villages.
The Bill, introduced by the Minister of the Office of the Electoral Commissioner, Fiame Naomi Mata’afa, under a certificate of urgency signed by the Head of State, follows the passage of the Electoral Amendment Bill (No.4) 2015. That bill requires candidates to provide “tautua” (service) to be eligible.
In explaining the amendment, Fiame said the idea was to clarify the meaning of the word “tautua” in its application to Territorial constituencies and Urban seats.
Papali’i said he could not see what the fuss was about from members of the House who complained.
“The Amendment #5 was to determine the difference between "monotaga" and "tautua" and to confirm in the Electoral Act the exact meaning of the two terms.
“I could not see any issue in this amendment affecting the eligibility of both the candidate and voters in Urban Seats hence I have no objection.
“The main issue raised by M.Ps relate to the fact that Urban Seats formerly Individual Voters should be treated the same as all Territorial Constituencies (T.C.s) to prove that they provided monotaga for three consecutive years before General Elections.
“For your information, the monotaga only applied to the fa’amatai system where matais should provide service to his village, church and electorate.
“It was never applied to Individual Voters simply because they were not Matais until the last 2011 General Elections when they were required to become Matais for eligibility to become candidates.
“Unfortunately, there was still no amendment to differentiate between Monotaga and Tautua until less than a year before the General Elections.
“Prior to this Amendment, all constituencies including the Individual Voters only needed to satisfy the "Tautua" criterion.
“So to argue that the monotaga should also apply to Urban Seats is totally unfair and uncalled for given that the New Urban Seats Constituencies East and West will only be enforced in the 2016 General Elections. Obviously, some of this argument is nonsense and unfair negative comments.”
Papali’i was also asked for his thoughts on calls to remove the Urban Seats completely.
“Again, I strongly disagree with such views to get rid of the Urban Seats,” he said.
“I do not see any "bias" in the laws towards the said seats. I do believe that the focus for any law to be proposed, discussed and approved, it that it must ensure that it is suitable and fair to those who will be affected by such laws.
“The Minister with the advise of the Attorney General proposed the Amendment and approved by Parliament and despite the negative comments and views from only a few, I still believe that there was absolutely no "bias" in the said laws as alluded to.
“Hence, I strongly support the establishment of the Urban Seats to replace the Individual Voters Electorate, so long live the Urban Seats constituencies.”
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