Leota replaces the previous Executive Director, Leilani Tuala-Warren, who has been sworn in as Judge at the District Court of Samoa.
The Samoa Law Reform Commission has welcomed a new Executive Director.
She is Leota Theresa Potoi, who commenced serving in her new post in January. Leota’s appointment was announced in the Samoa Law and Justice Sector’s newsletter for January.
Leota replaces the previous Executive Director, Leilani Tuala- Warren, who has been sworn in as Judge at the District Court of Samoa.
Leota is from To’omatagi and is a mother of two.
She attended Samoa College prior to attending the National University of Samoa as a foundation year student where she received an AusAID scholarship to study in Australia.
She graduated with a Bachelor of Law degree from the University of Tasmania in 1997.
That same year she also obtained a Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice from the Australian National University.
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She later obtained a scholarship from the World Bank/Joint Japan to undertake post-graduate studies in the United States of America in 2004.
There, she graduated with a Master of Law in International Environmental Law at George Washington University in Washington D.C. in 2005.
In 1998, she started her professional career as a Law Clerk before becoming a State Solicitor at the Attorney General‟s Office in Apia.
She then headed the newly established Legal Division of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment as a Principal Legal Officer until she moved to Wellington, New Zealand in 2007.
There she started as an in- house Solicitor and later became a Senior Solicitor at the Ministry of Fisheries.
Following that, she was seconded to the Ministry of Environment as a Senior Solicitor for some time. She was also a Senior Solicitor before she became a Manager for the Legislation, Standards and International Team of the Legal Directorate, at the Ministry for Primary Industries, until she returned to Samoa in December 2013.
Leota is an admitted Barrister and Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Samoa, the Australian Capital Territory and the High Court of New Zealand. As a Public Sector Solicitor in both Samoa and New Zealand, she has worked extensively on Legislative Reform and Development.
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