Seabreeze Resort has once again been named as Samoa’s leading hotel, in the 22nd annual World Travel Awards held in Hong Kong.
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It is the third consecutive year the resort has held the title.
Business owners Chris and Wendy Booth represented the resort in Hong Kong.
Arriving at Faleolo airport on Wednesday night, Miss Samoa Ariana Taufao and the resort’s staff welcomed the winning business’s owners.
Mr. Booth said it was special when they announced the winner and it was all because of the effort from his staff members.
“The feeling is so special and fantastic and every time it’s a big thrill but it’s because the boys and the girls work hard.
“It’s not our reward alone but it’s everyone that works at Seabreeze, because they all work hard and every one of them works as hard as everyone else,” he said.
“This feeling of coming home and seeing the staff waiting here cheerfully, to me it’s like what the All Blacks might have felt when they came over to Auckland the other day.
“It’s just as important to us as it is to them and I am so proud of the boys and the girls.”
Mrs. Booth could not have agreed more.
“The teams are so excited and happy to have won the prestigious award again for the third time,” she said.
“It’s really our army of dedicated and skilled staff that are our biggest asset and they create the atmosphere that has given us the reputation we have become renowned for.
“We will proudly display our World Travel Awards trophy and winners’ gold shield.”
Mr. Booth said becoming the best and maintaining that position was not easy.
“We have 35 staff members that are working at Seabreeze.
“There were six countries that we competed against and we work harder and harder to maintain being the best and we hope to do it in the years to come.
“It just doesn’t come easy, it’s a daily thing and we have to think about the guests coming in, what the guests need and what we can do for them, and that’s what we are good at but at the end of the day we made it and we did it.”
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