The village of Falealupo in Savai’i is seeking $1million in compensation from Apia Deep Fishing Ltd, after the company’s fishing vessel ran aground at the village in October.
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The compensation is for an alleged oil spill and damage to the environment.
This was confirmed by Falealupo’s Member of Parliament, Aeau Peniamina Leavaise’eta, yesterday.
Aeau clarified that the village was “not stopping works to retrieve the boat” but did have a compensation claim.
“The issue about the oil spill is to be determined,” said the Veteran M.P.
“Until we have the full details of the investigation then we will know but there should be compensation for damages.”
Aeau added the request from the village was already before the Minister of Works, Transport and Infrastructure, Manu’alesagalala Enokati Posala.
It was not possible to get a comment from the Minister yesterday.
Apia Deep Fishing Ltd. is stationed at the Matautu wharf.
During a previous interview with the company’s Manager, Leong Chen, he said the vessel was supposed to be brought back to Apia last week.
That did not happen.
He explained the Ministry of Works, Transport and Infrastructure were working on pumping the fuel from the boat.
Claims of oil spill from the boat were dismissed by Mr. Chen.
“There isn’t any from what I know,” he said.
“What’s happening at the moment is they are pumping out the fuel and the boat should be here by this weekend…I’ll know the situation when they report back.”
When asked about reports villagers were asking for compensation for the damage caused to the environment, Mr. Chen said he was not aware of any such requests.
The boat ran aground when the captain “misjudged the weather”, leading the boat to be stuck on the reef. There were about 12 crewmen on the vessel.
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