Efforts to clamp down on the spread of ‘pink eye’ through the community have been taken to the next level with government ordering schools to close their doors next week.
According to the Ministry of Education, Sports and Culture (M.E.S.C.) Acting C.E.O. of Education Doreen Roebeck- Tuala all Government schools will be closed from Monday through to Friday.
“We are only closing the government schools because we do not have the authority to close mission and private schools,” she said.
“Both teachers and students will not be at schools for this period.”
She said that in the lead up to this decision, government schools have been coping with the outbreak the best they can.
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“Teachers have been asking parents to keep kids at home if they have pink eye,” she said.
“And that has been working okay for some schools.”
According to a release issued by M.E.S.C. the decision to close schools was made to protect the children.
“Due to our country having been affected by the spread of the eye disease, all government schools therefore are to be closed from Monday March 24, 2014 until Friday March28, 2014,” the notice reads.
“This decision has been made to protect the children of our country and especially the teachers in each and every school.
“Parents are asked to please be mindful of the safety of our children.
“Prevention is always better than cure.”
The decision to close schools was made after the Ministry of Health advised that this would be the best course of action.
More than 300 cases have so far been treated at the hospital.
Government ministries, businesses and most other organisations are also thought to be suffering widespread loss of workers from the eye disease.
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