The adage “many hands make light work” only begins to describe the journey paved with the sweat and blisters of hundreds, if not thousands of old, current pupils and supporters of Samoa College. After only a year of planning and fundraising, SCOPA is proud to announce to all, that they, as a team, have reached its destination – the completion of the much-anticipated SCOPA Gymnasium. For an alumni organization to have accomplished a project of this magnitude is monumental. Recognition for the timely organization and effective project management goes to the Samoa College 60th Anniversary Project Committee for its foresight and persistence.
An interview with the SCOPA Committee provided some interesting insights.
How long has it been since the fundraiser began for the Gymnasium (length of project from inception to completion)?
We started fundraising for the gymnasium on the 1st June, 2013.
Who decided on the gym project and
As part of the 60 years celebration of Samoa College the Principal, Mr Reupena Rimoni was asked by the organizing committee to tell us what they wanted to mark the Samoa College 60th anniversary. We were informed that a gym was what was most desired. The committee agreed and the fundraising began immediately.
Has this always been a dream of
Not necessarily, but the Principal and teachers were sensible and saw the need for a gym to properly train and prepare the Samoa College athletes and sports like the rugby teams and netball, athletics etc . The faculty recognized that there were some students who struggled academically in school but do well in sports – the gym will enable the teachers to provide them with an alternative where they can excel and be successful in life. The Samoa College 60th Committee also saw this as a project that could earn revenue for the school and SCOPA in the future if managed well. In addition, it will be used as a facility that old pupils and members of the public can use for regular exercise and stay fit after work every day.
Who was the architect who designed
it and others who contributed in the
Vui Sebastian Mariner of OSM Consult and former student of Samoa College designed and supervised the initial construction. Clerk of work was all supervised and looked after by Ms Elsa Fruean and the building was done by ZHENG Construction Company Limited. The SCOPA Committee’s Project Manager was Ulugia Fala Anamani.
Are there any special unique
features of the gym?
There is a gym room for training that’s equipped with the latest training and work out gear. The gym also has proper changing and rest room facilities as well as a common room area. The first floor is intended to be a club room complete with a bar and café for relaxation and enjoying the ocean view.
How much did the entire project cost?
The cost of Phase One & Phase Two was SAT$621,358.54. The Gym Equipment cost SAT$80,000.00 so in total, all up the project cost SAT$701,358.54.
How long do you believe it will benefit
the school and students?
The gym was built to last 40 to 50 years with maintenance.
Who will manage the gym? Will there
be a gym manager employed?
Once the gym is handed over officially to the school this Friday, the Principal and faculty will be responsible for all decisions made from thereafter.
What types of sports can and will be
played at the gym?
At the moment, the gym is ready for training and exercising only with weights but the main hall provides space for development of other sports like netball, volleyball etc.
What was the SCOPA committee’s reaction to the completion of the gym project?
Excited! We’re excited that we now see the fruits of hard work by all the ex and current students.
All have been very supportive and helpful in every way possible. We also acknowledge the Government of Samoa and Samoa Beverage Company (SBC) for their sponsorship and thank you to Laulu Henry and Moana Westerlund for the use of their machinery for the project earthworks.
The official handing over of the Gymnasium will be held this Friday, 4th July 2014 at the Samoa College Hall.
SCOPA has organized a ‘Po Siva’ for this event starting from 6pm – 12am of which all are invited to attend. Congratulations to SCOPA on this special occasion and for completing their mission successfully.
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