Think a minute…A movie star was recently interviewed on television. A few months earlier his brother had asked him to take a vacation with him driving across America, but he was extremely busy working on a new television series. However, he also knew this was a special opportunity to spend time with his brother. So he arranged for time off from his television career to drive across America with his brother.
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Only a few months after that his brother died! Through tears on nationwide television, this movie star said how grateful he would always be for the time he chose to spend with his brother. It is so true that family and friends beat fortune and fame every time!
Recently I met a businesswoman who told me that her husband had been killed. She said her husband and his brother had argued for months over their family inheritance. Finally one day her husband’s brother got so angry that he drove to their house, walked in with a gun, and killed his brother. And for what? A little more money!
We need regular reminding that family and friends are worth much more than fortune! Remember, money can never give you what family and friends can: love. You can always tell how happy a person is not by how much money he has, but by how close his relationships are with his family members; and by how many close, caring friends he has. A man who lost his best friend over a business disagreement shared the painful lesson he had learned. He said: “Money is like a glove and friendship is like your hand. You can live happily without your glove, but not without your hand.”
How happy and close are your family relationships? How many close, caring friends do you have? Jesus said: “I call you friends IF you have my kind of heart and way of living.” So won’t you ask Him to forgive you for all your wrongs and sinful living? Then, as you become His friend, you can start enjoying the new life and love He wants to give and teach you. He will not only help you rebuild your broken relationships, but He will help you build a fortune of new friends who also are His true friends. Just think a minute…
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