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Call for greater communication of information in risk mitigation


United Nations official, Margareta Wahlström, is calling for better grassroots access to disaster risk reduction information.

The Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Disaster Risk Reduction, Ms. Wahlström, spoke to the Samoa Observer about how communities could, on a grassroots level, work towards lessening their socio-economic risk in the wake of a natural disaster.

Using the example of a Samoan village she visited during her last trip to Samoa, Ms. Wahlström said people are often aware of what should be done in the immediate aftermath of a disaster like Cyclone Evan, such as building a better house or bettering educating their children in the area.

However, because disasters are not so frequent, people often forget about what needs to be done in the long term.

“But elderly people often have a long repository or memory,” she said.

“And I think in particular in societies like Samoa and the Pacific it is very important that the history of a countries disasters becomes an actual part of your history.

“That is what will keep people prepared, it will become part of the education in their daily life you know, sanitation around your house, where you build your houses how you treat your land.

“All this is part really of how the community at the local level prepare.”

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She said another aspect of this preparation was access to information.

“I think it is too weak still everywhere that there is not a continuous access to easily understood, accurate and authoritative information about what is happening,” she said.

“Most countries I think now their early warning systems for an impending cyclone but that is the immediate crisis.

“But what about 3 months, 6 months, 12 months planning horizon for example on the weather impact.

“Where can people access the information on what is the impact for me in my part of this country, this island what is going to happen in the medium (term).”

The Special Representative said this was a critical gap and that while there is a lot of focus on it not enough progress had been made yet.

When asked if Information and Communication Technology (I.C.T.) could fill this Gap Ms. Wahlström said “yes.”

“I think media is important because here (because) people are really reading newspapers they are listening to the radio so the more public education,” she said.

“The more interaction between the public and the experts, its very important.”

When asked what they were doing to give communities better access to such information the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environmental Programme (S.P.R.E.P) are working to with countries an territories to ensure right information reaches those who need it.

“We are working to help strengthen this, as we believe that the better informed out communities are the above can be achieved,” said Dr. Netatua Pelesikoti, Director of Climate Change Division at S.P.R.E.P.

“S.P.R.E.P. is working with all Pacific Island Countries and Territories to ensure that climate change and disaster risks are incorporated into national and community - including grassroots and special needs groups - development planning processes and practical implementation on the ground based on their priorities.”

Dr. Pelesikoti said there are several ‘entry points’ for S.P.R.E.P. to ensure the right information at the right time reaches every sector.

“At the national level through close collaborations promoting an all sector whole of country approaches to addressing the risks of development,” she said.

“For example, building the capacity of national meteorological services to ensure early warning information reaches grassroots levels and that grassroots levels understand what the information means, what to do to be safe and (how) protect their livelihoods and properties.”

She said S.P.R.E.P. in partnership with the Pacific Media Assistance Scheme (P.A.C.M.A.S.) and the Pacific-Australia Climate Change Science and Adaptation Planning program (PACCSAP) has been supporting regional media training initiatives so that information can reach the grassroots through media which is accessible by most people in communities and sectors alike.

Director-General of the Secretariat of the South Pacific (S.P.C.) Dr Colin Tukuitonga said he believes his organisation already works very closely with communities in this area.

“S.P.C. is essentially in the information business,” he said.

“We have a very long history in the collection analysis and distribution of statistics as it applies to this region

“I am pretty confident in saying that actually S.P.C. statistics are much more reliable than what we might get from elsewhere so that is an important contribution.

“We have a whole statistical div that works with the stats offices from Samoa and around the islands to collect various data.

“And then of course in the actual program delivery say the climate change we work very closely with communities to share information.”

He said, in this business it is essentially about knowledge creation and knowledge dissemination and knowledge application.

“Working with the countries and the communities to use that information to do something different,” said Dr. Tukuitonga.

“That hopefully improves a yield from a crop so fisheries catch levels and.”



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U.N. must recognise role of regional bodies


RECOGNITION: Secretariat of the South Pacific’s Director-General Dr. Colin Tukuitonga says the U.N. must recognise that regional bodies such as the S.P.C. and the Forum Fishing Agency are better aligned to implement sustainable development policies on the ground.

“I mean it is great that the global community has come to Samoa and has come to the Pacific, so that they can see what life is like for us in the islands - clearly impacted negatively by decisions that are made elsewhere in the world”

The Secretariat of the South Pacific (S.P.C.) has called for the United Nations (U.N.) to recognise the role regional bodies play in creating sustainable future their member states.

During an interview with the Samoa Observer yesterday, S.P.C. Director-General, Dr. Colin Tukuitonga said not only does he want to see tangible actions to come out of the 2014 Third Small Island Developing States (S.I.D.S.) conference, he wants the U.N. to recognise that agencies such as his are better aligned with local communities to implement such actions.

“I think that’s the challenge with these things,” he said.

“I mean it is great that the global community has come to Samoa and has come to the Pacific, so that they can see what life is like for us in the islands - clearly impacted negatively by decisions that are made elsewhere in the world.

“For me it is about taking all of those good intentions and then making a difference, applying it in real terms on the ground in the communities.

“This is why it is important for the U.N to understand that it is a very U.N-centric conference.

“If you look at the outcome document it is all about UN agencies.”

Dr. Tukuitonga said, in reality the regional agencies are far better equipped to implement these actions in their respective areas of the world.

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His own agency is the largest implanting body in the Pacific administering assistance to S.P.C. member states under 27 different services areas raging from fisheries to health

“Well actually S.P.C. and the Forum Fisheries Agency and a number of the regional organisations are far more aligned in terms of implementing these things on the ground,” he said.

“So we would thing that there is some recognition of the regional agencies in the role that we play.”

These comments come in the wake of Jamaica’s Chief Technical Director in the Ministry of Land, Water, Environment and Climate change

Colonel Oral Khan who is calling for any action to come form this conference.

Earlier this week he told the Jamaica Observer that since the first summit that the implementation of proposed actions had been lacking.

“So we are hoping that out of this will be a greater commitment that will facilitate a smoother implementation of the recommendations,” Mr Khan said.

Dr. Tukuitonga said he would have to agree with this comment.

“That is exactly what I am saying,” he said.

“I think we should translate a lot of those good intentions into some meaningful tangible outcomes and outputs on the ground.

“I think it is great that the conference is being held in Samoa no question, but I think the challenge is to move from the walk to the talk.

“This is pretty much what we are saying is that agencies like S.P.C. we have been implementing a lot of these things for a number of years.

“SPC has been playing this game, been in this business for 67 years so we know what we are doing we have a track record.

“We are simply saying there should be some recognition of the contributions of regional agencies to the implementation of the decisions that come out of S.I.D.S.

“So I perfectly understand the sentiments expressed.

“I think most people would say, sure this is great but I think we need to translate these good intentions into meaningful outcomes or some impact on the ground in the communities.”


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Businessman gears up for fireworks


HAPPY TO HELP SAMOA: Businessman Deli Hue of the Gong Hao Hue Group with two associates at The Orator Hotel on Friday where they hosted a dinner.

A Chinese businessman is gearing up to give Samoa and the thousands from around the world visiting this week a fireworks display to remember.

Deli Hu, of the Gong Hao Hue Group from China, is the man behind the plan, scheduled to go off on Wednesday night at the Eleele Fou.

The fireworks is part of Mr. Hue and his delegation’s contribution to the celebration of the Teuila Festival as well as the S.I.D.S conference.

“I am here to help Samoa with whatever assistance I can give,” he told the Samoa Observer on Friday night at The Orator Hotel where a reception was held for him and his group.

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“It’s a great privilege to be part of the S.I.D.S and the Teuila Festival and we are glad to help Samoa.

“China and Samoa enjoy a long history of friendship and I am keen to provide Samoa with whatever they need from me.”

Mr. Hu said that the fireworks would take about half an hour. While he would not reveal the details, he said it would something to remember.

“There are safety precautions that must be considered first and we would work on it before the fireworks start on Wednesday night.”

“For safety, there will be a rope to stop people from entering or walking closely to where the fireworks will be set.

“I am positively sure that everyone will be having a very good time.”

The materials for the fireworks were bought from New Zealand at an unspecified cost.



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University wants action


CREATING PARTNERSHIPS: The president of Handong Global University, Soon Heung Chang.

Soon Heung Chang is a man on a mission.

As President of Handong Global University in Korea, he is in Samoa to create a partnership between his University and the National University of Samoa while attending the 2014 United Nations Academic Impact – Handong Global University Samoa Forum at Tanoa Tusitala Hotel.

The two-day meeting was officially opened by United Nations Secretary General, Tupua Ban Ki-moon.

The Forum’s theme is; “Capacity building in higher education, energy, water, and climate change mitigation and adaption for achieving sustainable development in the Small Island Developing States”.

Handong Global University is privately operated. It is located in Pohang, North Gyeongsang province in South Korea.

It strives to be a “World –Changing Global Leadership University” with 3500 students from 62 countries.

Speaking to the Samoa Observer yesterday, Mr. Chang said he wants to work with the N.U.S to promote sustainable development of Samoa through research, specifically in the areas of energy and climate change.

“I have attended too many of these meetings where there is a lot of talk and no N.A.T.O.,” he said.

Asked what N.A.T.O. means, he said: “No action, talk only”.

“I want action and that is to build a collaboration between the National University (N.U.S.) and Handong University.

“This would be Handong University’s capacity building outreach to the National University of Samoa.

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Mr. Chang is leading a delegation of nine. They will be making presentations at the Forum specifically on various issues including; New

Global Education and Entrepreneurship for Development: Activities of Academic Impact Korea for UNAI, Energy and Water Independency through Innovative Energy System for Small Island Developing States, Renewable and Green Technology and other subjects.

“One action is better than hundred discussions,” he said.

He also plans to speak about the Green Climate Fund for Climate change mitigation and adaptation. This is one of the issues that will be widely discussed in the forum as part of its theme.

“I would like to help Samoa to have a good strategy to get financing for GCF,” said Mr Chang.

The Green Climate Fund (GCF) was established to make significant and ambitious contributions to the global efforts towards attaining the goals set by the international community to combat climate change.
Set up by the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) its objective is to raise $100 billion per year in climate financing by 2020.

“I hope our forum is a starting point [for] sustainable relationship with Samoa because Handong likes to contribute to this purpose…”

He also strongly believes that it “would be the best practice for climate change and mitigation and adaptation for Samoa using GCF”.

Handong Global University has Memorandum of Understanding with other Universities in other countries. This is their first time in Samoa.

“This is the starting point of cooperation with a Pacific Island,” he said.


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‘Ray of Hope’ shines


‘Ray of Hope’ shines

According to unconfirmed reports, the night raised $100,000 for the Samoa Victim Support Group. The owner of Digicel, Dennis O’Brien, has also reportedly pledged to add $200,000 to the donation.

The life of a man known as ‘DJ Ray’ was remembered during the weekend at the Matuatu Funway Park where a star-studded line up entertained the hundreds in attendance.

The Ray of Hope concert, dedicated to the memory of businessman and DJ, the late Raymond Fruean, was to raise funds for survivors of crime being cared for by the Samoa Victim Support Group.

The concert also kicked off the celebration of the Teuila Festival, attracting tourists, locals and S.I.D.S. delegates for a night of variedentertainment.

And there were simply too many moments with one quality star after another taking the stage.

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Most popular among the Samoan crowd were Scribe and Savage who ripped it up when they took the stage. Not to be outdone were the soulful voices of Aaradhna, Julie Taale as well as the talents of Pieter T, Sammy Johnson, Monsta, Vince Harder and many local artists.

There was something for everyone. There was a lot of hip-hop, a bit of reggae, jazz, Samoan style and all styles.

Monsta said Samoa is one of his favourite places to perform.

“We are here to help those who are in need,” he said. “This life is not about fame, it’s not about having so much money but it’s about love.

Love makes everything possible.”

Among the audience was Jonathan Ta’afua, of Tanugamanono.

“We came here to be part of the concert and to show that we also care for those in need,” he said. “Having the opportunity to see these Samoan stars is fantastic …. I wouldn’t want to miss it.”

Sam Tauti’aga said everyone on stage was ‘on to it.’

Asked about his favourite act, he said he couldn’t choose.

“I loved hearing them all,” he said. “And getting to meet Savage, Scribe, Aaradna and others in person was just amazing.

“My biggest hope is to see all these artists here in Samoa next year.”

Jammy Toa said the most exciting part of the concert was the fact there was no alcohol.

“It was a great for all the families to come and enjoy,” she said.

According to unconfirmed reports, the night raised $100,000 for the Samoa Victim Support Group. The owner of Digicel, Dennis O’Brien, has also reportedly pledged to add $200,000 to the donation.

The concert was backed by Digicel..



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Common values seen as key to sustainable trade and agriculture


SHARING COMMON VALUES: There is potential in trading with small island developing states.

Common values are the key to sustainable partnerships, say Samoa’s Women in Business Development, The Body Shop UK and New Zealand’s largest café, c1 Espresso.

The three partners spoke at the Private Sector Partnerships Forum in the lead up to the Third International Conference on Small Island Developing States.

Women in Business Development supplies virgin coconut oil to Samoa and also coffee and cacao to c1 Espresso.

Associate director, Alberta Vitale said having trade partners who have shared values means the partnerships are stronger and longer lasting.

“Our partners recognize the potential and limitations trading with a small island nation that is vulnerable to natural disasters and working with small family farmers.

“The Body Shop and c1 Espresso have shown a patience that many buyers wouldn’t but our relationship with them is based not just on what we supply but also our common values.”

Later, Vitale added the values related to looking after the environment and minimizing carbon emissions, empowering families and communities and respecting culture.

Alex MacDonald, who represented The Body Shop UK, says virgin coconut oil is a major product for the cosmetic chain so the partnership with Women in Business Development was also important.

“Sustainable partnerships focus on the partnership not just the product. You have to think about the art of negotiating the partnership. How can you add value to each other?

He added that you also had to “innovate and keep re-birthing the partnership.”

The Body Shop/Women in Business Development partnership then caught the eye of Sam Crofskey, owner of c1 Espresso.

He says eight years ago he called Women in Business Development and said “that thing you are doing with The Body Shop, can you do it with us?”

“We were inspired to form a partnership with Women in Business Development with ideas like sustainability, organics and fair trade.”

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Then in 2010, due to the Christchurch earthquakes, Crofskey lost his home, business and city.

“Up until that point, what we thought we were doing was riding in our horse to save the day. But everything has changed; we see we need to build resilience into this partnership to maintain our relationship.

He says losing his business also gave him the opportunity to make sure the business was more sustainable. This has included setting up his own dairy operation on an organic farm with a mobile milking machine to follow a nomadic herd.

Crofskey is also launching a tea company at the main conference. The tea ingredients will be sourced from Women in Business Development’s organic farms.

The sustainable agricultural session was moderated by The Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Co-operation (CTA) director

Michael Hailu and also featured Seth Kaurua from Tanna Farms in Vanuatu, Shadel Compton from Belmont Estate in Grenada, Bruce Russell from Poutasi Development Trust in Samoa and Prof Clement Sankat from the University of the West Indies in Trinidad and Tobago.



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Rousing welcome for voyagers


SAMOAN WELCOME: Samoan dancers welcome sailors on two double-hulled alia, the  “Hokule’a” and “Hikianalia” from Hawai’i, which arrived into Samoa yesterday as part of S.I.D.S.

Voyagers who are using the wisdom of their ancestors, combined with modern science, on a worldwide journey were welcomed to Samoa in style yesterday morning.

SPECIAL PERFORMANCE FOR A SPECIAL PURPOSE: Samoa put on a spectacular welcome for the crews of the double-hulled canoes yesterday. Their arrival might have been a couple of days late because of the bad weather out of American Samoa but it didn't dampen the spirits of dancers and fellow Samoan voyagers who gathered on Beach Road in front of Aggie Grey’s Hotel for the welcome.

Among them was the Head of State, His Highness Tui Atua Tupua Tamasese Efi, who greeted the sailors of the Hokule’a and Hikianalia.
He congratulated them for making the trip to Samoa saying yesterday was a special moment because their arrival for everyone on the beach was like welcoming family members.

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The group’s arrival coincides with the S.I.D.S conference.

The voyagers who have sailed here on these two vessels are here to promote a more sustainable future, to help heal the injured ocean, to raise awareness, and to revive the cultural traditions of voyaging.

Captain, Nainoa Thompson, said they were honoured to be given such an awesome welcome by the Samoa Voyaging Society and the people of Samoa.

“We are bound together in so many ways,” he said about the relationship between Samoa and Hawaii. “We are bound by family, by blood and genealogy but what connects us even more is the ocean.”

Mr Thompson said it was unfortunate they could not make it here on Friday but the weather was beyond their control.

Yesterday, spectacular performances from the Palefuiono ole Vaema Tasa Laotele group from Māgiagi and the Apia youth welcomed the group.

The voyagers are in Samoa for four days before setting off again.



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Samoan chief demands release of soldiers


 Secretary General, Tupua Ban Ki-moon

“Yesterday, from Apia, I have spoken to the Prime Minister of Fiji and I explained the current status of negotiations. And I assured him that the UN would spare no cost to have the release of all the Fijian peacekeepers” 

The Samoan chief in charge of the United Nations has demanded the “immediate and unconditional” release of 44 Fijian peacekeepers.

Secretary-General, Tupua Ban Ki Moon, made the call yesterday from Tuana’imato where he is attending the third Small Island Developing States (S.I.D.S) conference.

According to news reports, the Fijians who are serving with the U.N., were seized by an al Qaeda-linked group last Thursday evening on the Syrian side of the Golan Heights region, one of several groups attacked in the volatile frontier between Syria and Israel.

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The Samoan chief in charge of the United Nations has demanded the “immediate and unconditional” release of 44 Fijian peacekeepers.

Secretary-General, Tupua Ban Ki Moon, made the call yesterday from Tuana’imato where he is attending the third Small Island Developing States (S.I.D.S) conference.

According to news reports, the Fijians who are serving with the U.N., were seized by an al Qaeda-linked group last Thursday evening on the Syrian side of the Golan Heights region, one of several groups attacked in the volatile frontier between Syria and Israel.

Yesterday, Tupua hailed the Fijians, describing them as “brave blue helmets.”

“I again demand the immediate and unconditional release of these brave blue helmets, who are deployed to the region to bring stability for the sake of the people,” he said.

“We are working around the clock for their early release.”

The Secretary General said the U.N.’s force commanders and U.N. entities are currently negotiating for the peacekeepers release.

“Yesterday, from Apia, I have spoken to the Prime Minister of Fiji and I explained the current status of negotiations,” Tupua said.

“And I assured him that the UN would spare no cost to have the release of all the Fijian peacekeepers.”

Australia’s Foreign Minister, Julie Bishop, said she had spoken to Fiji's Prime Minister Frank Bainimarama and Foreign Minister to express Australia's strong support, including intelligence resources.

She said Australia would use its position on the Security Council to maintain focus on the issue.

Earlier reports note that the head of the Fijian Army Commander Brigadier General Mosese Tikoitoga told a media conference in Fiji that they "are continuing negotiations at all levels."

He said they had been assured that the men were being treated well and had come to no harm, he said.

"However, we are still very concerned that we cannot confirm at this stage their exact location, whether they are still in Syria or whether they have been moved to neighbouring countries," Tikoitoga said.

The Fijian troupes are serving with the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force (U.N.D.O.F.).

The U.N. reports that all Philippine peacekeeping troops, trapped by Islamists in a different area of the frontier just mere hours after the Fijians were taken, were now safe.

Tupua also strongly condemned Saturday’s attack on U.N. peacekeepers’ positions in the Golan Heights, in a statement released by his spokesman.

“The Secretary General demands the unconditional and immediate release of all the detained United Nations peacekeepers and calls upon all parties to co-operate fully with UNDOF to enable it to operate freely and to ensure full safety and

security of its personnel and assets,” the statement said.

~ With Reuters, Associated Press and A.B.C.



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Chinese Minister visits His Highness


AT TUAEFU: Zhang Yesui, Executive Vice Minister of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs arrives at the Head of State’s residence at Tuaefu yesterday. Mr Yesui met with his Highness, Tui Atua Tupua Tamasese Efi and the Masiofo, Her Highness Filifilia Tamasese. The Chinese Minister was one of two courtesy visits to the Head of State yesterday. The first one was Tadateru Konoe, the President of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, who is in Samoa for S.I.D.S.

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Samoa scores another first for the South Pacific


TEAM WORK: Prime Minister, Tuilaepa Sa'ilele Malielegaoi, Minister of Works, Manu'alesagalala Enokati Posala and N.Z's Minister of Foreign Affairs, Tupa'i Murray McCully at the launch yesterday.

New Zealand’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Tupa’i Murray McCully, yesterday launched the largest solar array in the Pacific in an effort to reduce Samoa’s dependence on expensive imported fuel.

Located at the Faleata Racecourse, Tupa’i was joined by Prime Minister and President of the S.I.D.S conference, Tuilaepa Sa’ilele Malielegaoi and a number of high-level delegates who are in Samoa for the conference.

"Clean, efficient, affordable and reliable energy services are vital to sustainable economic development," Tupa’i said.

"The 2.2-megawatt photovoltaic array at the Apia Sports Complex will provide the highest electrical output from a single installation in the South Pacific.

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"Along with two other solar projects in Samoa, it is expected to meet a total of 4.5 percent of the total energy demand in Samoa and supply approximately 4,400 households.

“In total, New Zealand has contributed over 7.5 million NZ dollars towards these three projects.”

Tupa’i described the project as a “significant step forward for renewable energy in this country.”

“The theme of the Small Island Developing States conference is about genuine and durable partnership. That is what we are seeing here in action is partnership delivered not just in Samoa but seen in other islands.”

Tupa’i commended the partnership with European Union and the government of Samoa in rolling out the project.

Prime Minister, Tuilaepa Sa’ilele Malielegaoi, acknowledged New Zealand and the European Union.

“We have set challenging goals of renewable energy use as articulated in Samoa’s energy sector plan.” he said. “By 2016, we anticipate a reduction in use of fossil fuel by 10 percent, challenged by 10 percent increase in supply of renewable energy.

“I commend those involved and worked hard to complete this solar array project.”

The Samoa-NZ Renewable Energy Programme includes projects that are supporting 2.58 MWp of grid connected Solar PV farms at a cost of $7.5million.

They are Gymnasium 3 rooftop of maximum output 240kWp that is completed from a total of 960 x 260 watt panels.

The Faleata racecourse project has a maximum output of 2.2MWp with civil construction completed and electrical testing and commissioning in September.

There is also a project in Salelologa Savaii that is to be completed in October.

The three PV project will provide enough power for 4400 households and contribute an additional 4.5percent renewable capacity.



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U.N. will be accountable for implementation – Tupua Ban


The United Nations has taken responsibility for the implementation of the S.A.M.O.A. Pathway outcome document.

During a press conference held yesterday at the 2014 Third Small Island Developing States (S.I.D.S.) conference, United Nations Secretary General, Tupua Ban Ki-moon, said that leaders had expressed to him their concerns about the implementation of the outcomes of the conference.

“What is the accountability, what is the mechanism of ensuring this implementation?” Tupua said about what leaders had expressed to him, earlier in the day.

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“That is, I think, a most important issue,” he said.

“We have been discussing all (this for) many, many years what should be done. We have identified the programmes and we have agreed with many of the recommendations and ideas.”

He said what was important was how the tools, ways and means were provided to countries to help ensure that these promises and agreements are implemented.

“Now I would like to say it this way at the international, regional and national level the S.A.M.O.A. Pathway implementation should be high at the agenda of the General Assembly,” he said.

He said the U.N.’s specialised agencies, the World Band and the International Monetary Fund would be involved in implementing the S.A.M.O.A Pathway document.

As would the Agency’s five regional commissions, such as the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP), all of whom were all fully engaged in implanting decisions that the U.N. is fully accountable for, he said.

“Then at the regional level, all regional entities should focus on implementation,” he said.

“At the national level I am asking the leaders of member states to have this S.A.M.O.A. Pathway reflected in their national planning.

“Again, I am sure you know that the United Nations will be accountable on this.”

Asked why there had been little to no action following the last two S.I.D.S. conferences, Tupua said while many recommendations and declarations had been adopted, concerns had been raised by member states.

“There have been a lot of discussion and even concerns raised by the member states particularly developing ones that many of the promises and declarations have not been met,” he said.

“Particularly in the area of financing.

“So member states have been discussing, since the beginning of this year, very seriously how we can make sure that there will be…ways and means particularly in financing and capacity building.”

He said this is work that when it comes to general financing for developing nations member states will be done, before it is adopted into the Social Development Goals (S.D.G.s) post 2015 agenda.

“Then this will be accompanied together with implementation mechanism,” he said.



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World leaders reminded about health obligation


WELCOME TO S.I.D.S: Some of the public servants at the S.I.D.S conference welcoming the world to Samoa to discuss multiple issues including health.

The President of the S.I.D.S Conference, Tuilaepa Sa’ilele Malielegaoi, has reminded world leaders who are in Samoa about their “obligation to future generations.”

That is a must to ensure partnerships are formed between small island countries and international partners to fight non-communicable diseases (N.C.Ds). Sustainable development, he said, cannot be possible unless N.C.Ds are addressed.

Tuilaepa was speaking during a side event on the prevention and control of non communicable diseases for healthier islands, held at the Manono building at the Faleata S.I.D.S venue. The event also featured Minister of Health, Tuitama Dr

Talalelei Tuitama, Puleleiite Dr Shin Young-soo and Regional Director of WHO Western Pacific Region and UNDP Administrator, Ms Helen Clark.

“What we need to do now is set definitive targets that will achieve the Millennium Development Goals,” Tuilaepa stressed.

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He highlighted the importance of strengthening national partnerships to come up with practical actions to eliminate or reduce N.C.Ds.
Tuilaepa said the major N.C.Ds affecting S.I.D.S include heart diseases, strokes, diabetes and cancer among others.

In Samoa, the Prime Minister said his government has initiated a number of initiatives to tackle N.C.Ds. These include a strong push for preventative measures as well as laws to reduce the risk of people getting sick.

For Ms Clark, she said there is no doubt that N.C.Ds is a growing concern for S.I.D.S.

U.N. figures show that in the Pacific region, there are eight deaths out of ten from N.C.Ds. Similar statistics are recoded in the CARRICOM region.

Of countries with the highest obesity rates, 14 out of 15 were S.I.D.S.

“The major challenge posed by these diseases is the challenge of sustainability,” she stressed.

Puleleiite said prevention and control of N.C.Ds ensures sustainable development for S.I.D.S.

He said this could be done by reducing the importation of unhealthy food and drinks. He also called for N.C.Ds-related goals to be priority items on the post -2015 Development agenda.

“In the Pacific and the Caribbean – where most Small Islands Development are located, N.C.Ds create a huge economic burden for families and society,” he said.

“We have developed nine global targets and 25 indicators for the prevention and control of N.C.Ds and one of the targets is a 25per cent reduction in premature mortality from N.C.Ds by 2005.

“We need to look at trade issues and we must enhance the capacity of S.I.Ds to monitor imports and safeguard health.”

Lastly, he said: “Fighting N.C.Ds require a whole government and whole of society approach.”

Background information from WHO

In the Pacific and the Caribbean, N.C.Ds cause four out of five deaths. Most of these deaths are among economically productive age groups and are preventable. N.C.Ds create a huge economic burden for families and society. In Fiji for example, as many as six people have a foot or a leg amputated every month because of diabetes

From subsistence farming and fishing, communities have been propelled into the global stage. Unhealthy food and drinks have flooded their markets. Tobacco and alcohol also became freely available. In Samoa, around 90per cent of adults are overweight, and almost one in four students currently use any form of tobacco.



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Blue growth Economy at S.I.D.S


As human activities affecting the oceans intensify, it has become apparent just how interrelated the problems of ocean space affect the pathway towards sustainable development.

The point was made yesterday during a side-events at the S.I.D.S conference. Called “Blue Growth/Blue Economy Initiative: Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture in S.I.DS,” the event was organised by the Food & Agriculture Organization, government of The Netherlands and government of Indonesia.

It featured the Director-General of the Pacific Islands Forum Fisheries Agency, James Movick, Rachel Kyte, Vice President and Special Envoy, Climate Change Group, World Bank, Ambassador Angus Friday and Dr Naoko Ishlii, CEO and

Chairperson of the Global Environment Facility (G.E.F).

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The Blue Growth Initiative (B.G.I) consists of four main components:

(i) marine and inland capture fisheries;

(ii) aquaculture;

(iii) livelihoods and foods systems; and,

(iv) economic growth from ecosystem services.
Integration was a buzz-word throughout the session, which can be especially confusing given the numerous meanings associated with the principle.

For all the idealistic intentions of the B.G.I, practical examples from the governments of Grenada, Indonesia and Seychelles to show that the B.G.I and international, regional and national cooperation is needed to fully realise the initiative.

It was the Indonesian implementation cases, which provided the most in-depth analysis to show the multiple impacts on natural coastal/marine systems in an integrated manner in working towards the coastal area management and multiple

land and sea uses in the coastal zones.

The majority of the world’s major fish stocks are fully exploited or over-exploited with the stock recovery rates often slow.

More than 58 million people, however, are directly employed in aquaculture and fisheries and 10-12 per cent of the global population is dependent on the sector.

Aquaculture development is one answer for supplementing seafood supplies. The industry is a fast profit earner and a critical sector for economic development.

As the industry moves offshore into the Exclusive Economic Zones (E.E.Z), explicit regional mechanisms are needed to promote the industry’s development as well as address its environmental effects.

The regional fora was stressed by all keynote speakers as a way to play a more effective role in coordinating international operational activities.

By agreeing on regional priorities among marine-related conventions, they can shape international initiatives, and define common regional projects that are cost-effective to support national capabilities.

Again, practical examples were given by the Dr Angus Friday, the Ambassador of Grenada to the United Sates of America and the country specific examples from Indonesia and Seychelles which support the implementation of regional mechanisms.

Mr Movick echoed Ambassador Friday in saying that the Pacific S.I.D.S are “not beggars” to the international table.

The international community fails to recognise the importance of the type of regimes that support the Pacific S.I.D.S.

The coming decades present the potential of joint workshops on national legislation and implementation strategies that may similarly enhance the implementation of the oceans-related conventions.


The Indonesian, South-East Lombok “blue Economy” Development Zone was implemented in cooperation with the F.A.O.

In developing integrated economic zones based on the principles of sustainability, nature’s efficiency, zero waste and social inclusiveness has the potential to influence the development of similar Blue economy projects in other S.I.D.S.

The whole issue of contextualising the circumstances of other ocean economies provide important lessons for S.I.D.S. Broadly, the recommendations for S.I.D.S can be summarized: Here, there is a strong trend for implementing ocean management strategies based on the concept sustainable development.

The national level was addressed as a way to develop integrated strategies for sustainable development, which can strengthen national planning frameworks and institutional mechanisms.

These developments must take into account the interactions between sectors and relationships for oceans.

The government of Seychelles are currently making improvements alongside their tourism industry. As such, Grenada, Indonesia and Seychelles are working towards developing well-defined and well-integrated strategy for activities in the region.

As an African state, the government of Seychelles observes that in promoting the implementing the B.G.I, the oceans must be looked at as a central resource.

At the planning level, the B.G.I must guide all ocean development frameworks in working towards the sustainable development agenda. Other key issues look at the ports and as a trading space.

All these practical project examples, are in a position to set the agenda for SIDS in promoting durable international support and coordinated adoption of programmes and budgets.

Thus it is important “to better connect the regions” in a multi national setting. The Indian Ocean is complicated and a lot of interest. However, getting a clear picture of what constitutes an appropriate implementation framework for ocean management is not easy.

Clearly defined goals will allow each country to judge its achievements vis-à-vis national and international commitments.

Accepting that premise, the B.G.I is a way to encourage the public participation and further blue economy employment opportunities. The government of Seychelles, concludes with the question of how are we to develop the B.G.I and make it work?

The projects will need to be planned from the island context in relation to ocean research.

How changing problems of ocean space present new institutional challenges and suggest how to realign existing arrangements so that they respond to the scale of the oceans problems and natural systems; help decision makers maintain an overview of the interrelated issues and at the same time find practical solutions for individual sources of threats; engage the comparative advantages of regional and global bodies; and, execute appropriate responsibilities from global and regional levels in the interest of vesting knowledge and capabilities for S.I.D.S.

The B.G.I recommendations look to sharpen the analysis of functional needs as a basis for restructuring the S.I.D.S institutional environment.



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Natural solutions project signed


PROJECT HAPPINESS: Parliamentary State Secretary, Schwarzelühr-Sutter from Germany, David Sheppard and Leota Kosi Latu, of SPREP.

A 5-year, €5 million project titled ‘Natural Solutions to Climate Change in the Pacific Islands Region: Implementing Ecosystem-based Adaption’, has been signed on the cusp of the 3rd International Conference of Small Island Developing States.

The project was signed between the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (S.P.R.E.P) and the German Federal Ministry of the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (B.M.U.B) yesterday.

Known as Pacific Ecosystem-based Adaptation to Climate Change (P.E.B.A.C.C) Project, the project will strengthen Ecosystem based Adaptation (EbA) through activities in Fiji, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu as a key measure of adapting to and building resilience to climate change.

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“The ‘natural solutions’ approach to enhancing Pacific islands’ resilience to climate change impacts is a key component of SPREP’s platform in helping its 21 Pacific island countries and territories adapt to climate change,” said David Sheppard, Director-General of SPREP.

“To promote this we are implementing a 2-year Campaign in the region: ‘Natural Solutions for Island Resilience’. We thank the German Government for its partnership and for its confidence in SPREP’s capacity to plan and implement this important Ecosystem-based

Adaptation to climate change project.”

According to Parliamentary State Secretary Schwarzelühr-Sutter from the German Federal Ministry of Environment, Nature Conservation,

Building and Nuclear Safety “Climate change is a global challenge which only by continuing and extending partnerships can be addressed effectively.”

She continued by saying, “I am thus very delighted to have signed on behalf of the German Government the project agreement with SPREP to initiate action tailored specifically to Pacific islands. It represents an important contribution in our joint efforts to address and manage the challenges posed by climate change and it will be implemented by a competent and strong partner in close collaboration with local stakeholders and communities.”

The project will end in 2019 and will support a range of interventions led by SPREP working with national partners and communities in the three countries.

Pacific Islands have high biodiversity values with reliance on natural resources for sustainable livelihoods. Non-climate change threats and impacts also continue to weaken the capacity of communities and governments to implement resilient approaches to climate change adaptation.

Pacific Island countries are implementing climate change adaptation programmes but few explicitly include ecosystem approaches in their implementation.

This project will build on EbA work currently being undertaken by SPREP in the Solomon Islands through a USAID-funded project in Choiseul Province. This work is being implemented in collaboration with GIZ, SPC and other partners under the

Choiseul Integrated Climate Change Programme (CHICCHAP), which has become a model for implementing a programmatic approach to CCA in the region. At the same time, the BMUB has promoted Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) as an important approach within the field of adaptation to Climate Change.

“We look forward to a productive relationship with the German Federal Ministry of the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB) in the implementation of this project and hopefully beyond,” said Mr Sheppard.

The project will support building capacity at national, sub-regional and local levels to identify non-climate change threats and ecosystem services that are vital for long term environmental and social resilience to climate change and developmental sustainability at national, provincial and community levels.

This project is part of the International Climate Initiative (IKI). The German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB) supports this initiative on the basis of a decision adopted by the German Bundestag.’

The Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) is working with partners towards successful implementation of this project.




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Banking the unbanked for a better tomorrow


INCLUSION: The UNDP Administrator Ms Helen Clark introduced a new funding facility which seeks to enable rural islanders to access affordable savings and other services.

With a vast majority of Pacific Islanders having no access to banking services, the second stage of an ambitious financial inclusion programme was launched in Samoa on Sunday

Aiming to add one million more Pacific Islanders to the formal financial sector by 2019, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the UN Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) introduced a new US$5 million (T$11m) funding facility.

Implemented through Pacific Financial Inclusion Programme (P.F.I.P.), the facility invites financial service providers to develop new ways of enabling low-income and rural Pacific Islanders to access affordable savings, insurance, credit and other monetary services.

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U.D.N.P. Administrator, Helen Clark said in emerging and developing countries generally around 80 per cent of people do not have access to formal financial services.

“That is certainly the case across the pacific, but in some countries it goes higher than 90 per cent (of people) not having any access,” she said.

“It is a mix of geographical challenges, poor infrastructure, high costs (and) sparsely spread populations, all of this impedes.”

“But of course given access to financial services is absolutely critical to supporting people to move out of poverty and in generating the kind of growth that will reduce poverty through access to credit, success to insurance lower cost remittances to secure savings.”

Miss Clark said such services must be well regulated and operated with integrity.

“Which is why it is great to have central banks on board,” she said.

“And the private sector role is key and critical for rolling out this second phase of this pacific financial inclusion programme.”.3

“This is the way to really support people to move out of poverty.”

Australia’s Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop said the reason Australia had invested in the programme for the past five years was because it worked.

“Well it certainly ticks all the boxes as far as the delivery of Australian Aid is concerned,” she said.

“I believe that about 700,000 Pacific Islanders now have access to financial services that they didn’t before this program.”

“And in a very exciting outcome, about 40 per cent of the new bank accounts maybe more have been taken up by women.”

“I am a great champion and advocate for increased economic empowerment for women in the Pacific.”

Ms Bishop said giving women access to financial services was not only the right thing to do, but it made smart economic sense.

“From the moment I first visited this region many years ago I knew that the role of women was absolutely vital for the long-term prosperity of this region, as well as its peace, security and stability,” she said.

“And I truly believe that when you give women access to financial services then entire household, entire communities benefit as a result.”

Her New Zealand counterpart Murray McCully said what appealed to his department was private sector participation.

“It is common at conferences like this to hear a lot speeches about the role of the private sector, the importance of the private sector if you are going to see balanced growth,” he said.

“But it is rather harder to identify practical programs that are going see the private sector grow and people given the opportunity to become a part of it.”

“That is why we are a part of it.”

European Commissioner for Development, Andris Piebalgs added to Mr McCully’s comments, saying that access to formal financial services was a basic human right as it helped develop the private sector which in turn fuels sustainable economic growth.

P.F.I.P.S. Regional Financial Inclusion Advisor and Project Manager Reuben Summerlin said while there have been exciting advancements, such as Samoa’s financial Central Bank Act, which has added financial inclusion and financial literacy as core mandates, in the region there was still more to do.

“The Pacific continues to be one of the least banked regions in the world,” he said.

“And many Pacific Islanders are still excluded and thus cannot achieve their full economic potential, and they are denied opportunities to fully participate in their national commerce.”

“So in its next phase P.F.I.P. will continue to work with national regulators to expand the financial sector safely we will work to deepen financial access.”

“So that more pacific islanders can use financial services without having to travel long expensive distances.”

Samoa was also at the table with the Governor of the Central Bank Maiava Atalina Ainu’u-Enari saying one of its aims was to increase financial service access to 50 per cent of our rural population mobile phone financial services, institutional innovations and other initiatives by 2016.

She also said that in an effort to promote responsible financial behaviour we are targeting the formal education system through partnering with the Ministry of Education.

To highlight just how important this program was Miss Clark ended the press conference by sharing an experience she had in Papua New Guinea.

“I just want to perhaps tell a story about where I saw this program working in East New Britain,” she said.

“Because sometimes when we talk about financial services we have in mind someone who has a formal shop or a business.”

“I saw this program with a facilitator in a partnership with a bank with ladies who traded in the market and had no where secure to put their money.”

“And for the poor having somewhere to put your money more secure than under the mattress is extremely important.”

“And having somewhere secure to put your money enables you to budget, put a bit aside when you can and manage your cash flow.”

“So I was very, very impressed that this program was reaching down to the most micro business level in East New Britain.”

“Reaching the market women who are such a fundamental part of the economy of the Pacific.”

The U.N.D.P./ U.N.C.D.F Financial Inclusion Support Facility is designed to disburse grants to financial service providers—including those from the private sector such as banks, insurance companies and mobile network operators.”

The facility, totalling US$5 million, was created with funding from Australia, New Zealand and the European Union.



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Banks sign deal to boost agribusiness


DEAL: Westpac Samoa General Manager, Cameron Penfold, Regional Director of ADB’s Pacific Liaison and Coordination Office, Dr Andrea Iffland and Chief Executive Officer Ministry of Finance, Tupa’imatuna Iulai Lavea at the signing ceremony in Apia.

The Asian Development Bank (A.D.B) and Westpac Bank Samoa Limited yesterday signed a project agreement for the Samoa AgriBusiness Support Project, which aims to boost sustainable growth of commercial agribusinesses in Samoa and revitalize the economy by addressing constraints that hinder increased trade and export.

“A strong, vibrant private sector is important to Samoa’s long term success. Small and medium sized enterprises, including many agribusinesses, need tailored support for Samoa to realize its inclusive growth agenda,” said Andrea Iffland,

Regional Director of ADB’s Pacific Liaison and Coordination Office in Sydney, Australia.

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Ms. Iffland signed the agreement with Westpac General Manager Cameron Penfold.

The project will help selected commercial agribusinesses grow sustainably, working with participating commercial banks including Westpac to provide suitable financing services to partner agribusinesses.

Agribusinesses in Samoa are generally family-owned enterprises, mostly involved in agro-industrial production such as taro chips or coconut oil.

They engage a significant number of smallholder families as suppliers of raw materials and are, therefore, critical to agricultural productivity.

Under the project, agribusinesses will receive tailored business support services in collaboration with existing local and regional support programs.

The Ministry of Finance is the executing agency for the project.

ADB’s assistance includes a $5 million grant from ADB’s Special Funds resources. The Government of Samoa is providing $0.17 million equivalent, and some commercial financing is included.

Samoa is a founding member of the A.D.B.

Since 1966 ADB has been committed to helping the Government of Samoa tackle its development challenges and achieve sustainable, inclusive economic growth.



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Group sees S.I.D.S as platform


SIGNIFICANT CHALLENGES: Finance and membership support are challenges to overcome by NGO’s such as Samoa Victim Support Group. Above: A panel of supporters discuss involvement and fundraising events that have highlighted the SVSG’s programmes.

The Samoa Victim Support Group (S.V.S.G) kicked started the Small Island Developing States (S.I.D.S) Conference yesterday with a workshop designed to empower women and children towards a more socially inclusive sustainable development agenda.

Held at the Faleata Golf Course, the side-event was initiated by S.V.S.G Auckland. Deputy Director, Leilani Jackson, said S.I.D.S has presented the organisation with an opportunity.

“At the moment all the international agencies are in Samoa,” said Ms Jackson.

“It is a good time and platform to highlight the work of S.V.S.G so that people are aware that the group is the only service provider for domestic violence and sexual abuse and are also handling and helping victims.”

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The Deputy Director of S.V.S.G Auckland pointed out that some of the challenges for the group involve finance, manpower and limited resources.

“Hopefully with this session, it will attract people to invest in this cause,” said Ms Jackson.

As for the session yesterday, Ms Jackson said it went well and the contribution from participants ensured that they are aware of the violence happening in Samoa but not enough work isbeing done for it.

One of the panelists was a young and strong advocate of women and children’s rights, Cherelle Fruean. Ms Fruean had organised the

Ray of Hope Concert last week that raised funds for S.V.S.G’s Maternity ward.

She announced that the event had raised $300,000 for S.V.S.G.

“It was a tribute to my late father,” said Ms Fruean, referring to businessman, Raymond Lamont Fruean.

“It was a project very close to my heart and most importantly it was an opportunity to raise funds to build shelter for young mothers and children in S.V.S.G.”

SVSG Auckland: Deputy Director Leilani Jackson, Tim Baice and Will Iopu.She also credited the hard work from President of S.V.S.G Samoa Lina Chang describing her as Samoa’s very own mother Theresa.

For Mrs Chang, the work of S.V.S.G is vital for Samoa.

“Seeing many of the difficulties we are facing today helps me to understand that this event may become an opportunity to develop new partnerships (to sustain the services of S.V.S.G),” she said.

Since the organisation was launched in 2005, Mrs Chang said it had mainly provided support services for victims of sexual offending.

“Almost ten years down the line, S.V.S.G services has expanded and with the expansion came partners necessary to progress its work,” she said.

“S.V.S.G is very much aware that partnerships with others is very important to not only sustain its services but achieve our Groups vision in ensuring that victims of crime are well supported, safe and empowered to take control of their lives again.”



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Could electric cars be the future for Samoa?


THE FUTURE: St Mary’s Primary school students open the meeting with a performance.

A more environmentally friendly option for transportation as part of efforts to combat climate change was introduced in Apia during the weekend.

The option offered was the use of electric vehicles to reduce gas emissions.

Klaus Thoma, from Victoria University in Wellington, New Zealand, spoke about a research conducted into the benefits of electric vehicles during the Renewable Energy Forum, held before S.I.D.S.

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The meeting was told the electric vehicles could well be the future of transportation if all goes according to plan.

The Chief Executive Officer of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Sulumalo Amataga Penaia, said part of S.I.D.S is to identify and showcase policies, practices and experiences that could help increase the use of renewable energy among S.I.D.S.

He applauded Mr Thoma’s presentation about electric vehicles.

“Renewable energy contributes to the sustainable development of S.I.D.S.,” he said. “[And it is] specifically important for those who depend mainly on expensive fossil fuels for electricity and transportation.”

The continuing emission of harmful gases into the atmosphere has a huge impact on the environment. This is why he welcomed the idea of electric vehicles.

The idea, he said, reflects Samoa’s commitment to global efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

“We need to be smart,” he said, and to invest in initiatives that will accelerate sustainable development.

He stressed the importance of S.I.D.S. working together because “no matter what we can do at the national level, we cannot do it alone”.

“We must join forces in a global effort to solve the problem of climate change.”



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A star made in Samoa


When the Director of UN Women took photos of Uila Faumuina Leota’s patchwork used for creating beautiful quilts and posted it on Facebook, she did not realise the opportunity would be a life changing experience.

That same day, Ms. Leota was told that her work immediately became a hit on social media.

She was soon bombarded with orders online, coming from all over the world.

People in places as far away as Mexico, Spain and New York among others were sending orders for hand-made quilts by Ms. Leota.

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She also received orders from the around the region in places like Fiji and elsewhere.

In Samoa, her first order came from a prominent member of the community asking for 10 quilts in one go.

“I couldn't believe that the interest would be so high,” she said. “So I worked hard and I made sure the orders were supplied on time and they were.”

Surprised at why people in such far away countries would want her quilts, she wanted to repay the people for their kindness and interest.

She wanted to do this by making sure her quilts were of the best quality, not wanting to disappoint her customers. Since that day, she has not looked back.

Her photos on Facebook included some of other work; pillows, bags and door rugs.

Prominent businesswoman, Vaimasenu’u Zita Martel, also interviewed Ms. Leota about her work and again uploaded the article and photos on to Facebook.

That only fueled more interest from overseas.

For Ms. Leota, life has never been the same. There are some nights when she works throughout to complete her orders.

But she finds no problem in this "because I love doing what I do".

This week, her work is being displayed at the S.I.D.S venue at Tuana’imato where among the topics being discussed is the empowerment of women and children to ensure sustainable development for S.I.D.S.

Ms. Leota knows that her work is quality but she admits that if it not receive the right exposure, she would have been struggling like so many small business people.

As a strong believer in sharing her talents with others, Ms. Leota has since taught her daughter and daughter-in-law in making quilts and bags. She has also trained women from her church at Tuaefu.

"Share your talents so that it can grow in abundance but don't hide it because it will be forgotten or it will never grow," she said.

As a teacher she is proud to acknowledge the support and encouragement from her former students from Pesega and Punaoa through likes on Facebook.

Ms. Leota is currently a lecturer at the National University of Samoa in textile and technology.

She urges all women to "make use of our hands-if you have talents use it to empower yourselves".

"I am empowered in many ways and so now I can help others create a future for themselves by sharing my talents with them by training them how to make quits."

Ms. Leota believes this is the way forward to obtaining sustainability for Samoa.

"This is my contribution to our country's development."



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Administrator Helen Clark calls for action


Helen Clark

Helen Clark is adamant. She says action must be taken after the Third Small Island Developing States (S.I.D.S.) conference or the meeting would have been a waste of time.

Speaking to the Samoa Observer yesterday, the Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme (U.N.D.P.) did not dismiss questions about the lack of implementation, that have been raised by some S.I.D.S.

“I can empathise with what they are saying about the lack of follow through in the past,” she said. “We can’t let that happen this time, and certainly at the U.N.D.P. we are looking at how can we lift our act to make the Pathway meaningful.

“For the U.N. development system, we will take the S.A.M.O.A Pathway and say where can we add value.”

After that, she said discussions then must be held country-by-country through the relationships U.N.D.P. has with regional bodies such as the Pacific Islands Forum and Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme.

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“So the issue will be how to take the Pathway and translate into the national and regional action plans,” she said.

Helen Clark (pictured left) is adamant. She says action must be taken after the Third Small Island Developing States (S.I.D.S.) conference or the meeting would have been a waste of time.

Speaking to the Samoa Observer yesterday, the Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme (U.N.D.P.) did not dismiss questions about the lack of implementation, that have been raised by some S.I.D.S.

“I can empathise with what they are saying about the lack of follow through in the past,” she said. “We can’t let that happen this time, and certainly at the U.N.D.P. we are looking at how can we lift our act to make the Pathway meaningful.

“For the U.N. development system, we will take the S.A.M.O.A Pathway and say where can we add value.”

After that, she said discussions then must be held country-by-country through the relationships U.N.D.P. has with regional bodies such as the Pacific Islands Forum and Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme.

“So the issue will be how to take the Pathway and translate into the national and regional action plans,” she said.

“And then work out what the role each of us is in supporting that, so I think we can be quite systematic about it.”

While at the conference, one of the topics Ms. Clark presented on was graduating least developed countries, such as Samoa.

“One of the issues I am going to address in the session on graduating L.D.C.s is, that the issues that make countries L.D.C.s don't go away with graduation,” she said.

“So Samoa has done extremely well, now classified as a middle income country, but as we know there is always a cyclone around the corner.

“Now heaven forbid that it will be the type of cyclone like Typhoon Haiyan, more powerful than human beings have ever experienced. And then with the tsunami triggered by the earthquake we saw the vulnerability from that in Samoa.”

She said the point is, countries can be doing very well, but there are inherent vulnerabilities from the geographical location and that means there is going to need to be continual understanding from the development partners about this issue development.

“It is not a question of you have reached that level and you will never drop back,” said the U.N.D.P Administrator.

“No there could be very serious setbacks, which are shocks external to anything that the Samoan Government and people could be expected to manage.”

She said the U.N.D.P had, as a key part of its new strategic plan, three pillars: sustainable development pathways, improving governance and building resilience.

“All of which are highly relevant to Samoa,” she said.

“And on the building resilience to supporting countries to have very good early warning systems, very good planning for disaster management (and) risk mitigation.

“Try to adapt infrastructure so that its less vulnerable get the cyclone shelters in place.

“Really just try and lift the level of resilience, and it does work.

“With climate change we are looking at the face of the future with Haiyan we are looking at more extreme, more frequent storms than we have ever seen.

“So this has to be a key focus for Pacific S.I.D.S, a key focus to just keep lifting the level of awareness, response capacity and mitigation.”

The S.I.D.S conference continues.



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